Ten years of AFRICA IS COMING! it was said in Berlin in mid-July. Augusta Muhimpundu and SEZ employee Astrid Saalbach celebrated with them.
Augusta Muhimpundu, who comes from Burundi, was a trainee for eight months as part of the AFRIKA KOMMT! program. worked at the SEZ.
Together with alumni of the program and representatives from politics and business, the participants of AFRIKA KOMMT celebrated! in Berlin the tenth birthday of the initiative. In 2008, leading German companies, including Robert Bosch GmbH, launched AFRIKA KOMMT! founded. This is an initiative of the German economy for young managers from sub-Saharan Africa. Young African managers are invited to Germany for a year, take part in management training and work in German companies.
Since 2008, 127 young African leaders from 22 countries have successfully completed the program. AFRICA IS COMING! from the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH.
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