
“Poverty is not natural, it was created by humans and can therefore be overcome and eradicated through appropriate measures. The eradication of poverty is not an act of mercy, but of justice.” (Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize winner)

Eradicating global poverty is just one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. For the first time, the 2030 Agenda combines all three dimensions of sustainability – social, economic and ecological. It is something that all countries in the world strive for because the following applies: global challenges can only be solved together.

The #17Goals website makes the 2030 Agenda better known and presents various projects and initiatives that contribute to its implementation. In addition to numerous practical tips for everyday life, you also get to know news from politics, business and society. Whether self-made trash design for a sustainable lifestyle or wind energy from drones, a wide variety of ideas for climate protection are clearly presented. References to local practical examples such as poetry slams on the 17 goals also strengthen public awareness of the topic of sustainability and motivate readers to take their own action. They can immediately find out about timely, nationwide events related to the 2030 Agenda and take part in Rap for Refugees in Hamburg, the school cinema weeks in Hesse or the Vegginale in Hanover.

The big advantage of the website is that it primarily targets schoolchildren and students. By linking to the social media channels Instagram or Twitter, you can easily come across projects like the Advent calendar with 17 sustainable actions. At the same time, the 17 goals are discussed in a playful way at music festivals such as Lollapalooza and their realization is made more attractive.

The entire #17Goals project is carried out by Engagement Global on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It serves as a guide for every individual’s commitment to development policy.

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