
7. SFE – Municipalities in focus

The 7th Stuttgart Forum for Development (SFE) will take place on October 9th. This year's theme is all about municipalities, the most important actors in implementing the 2030 Agenda. The title of the 7th SFE is: "Global Cities of Tomorrow - Seeing the opportunities of the crisis together and making municipalities more sustainable globally".

In several design thinking workshops, participants will deal with different aspects of the topic. With digitalization and development policy as well as with sustainable procurement, culture, education for the 2030 Agenda or partnership work at home.

The forum takes place as face-to-face event instead of. There is the option to participate in parts of the event digitally.

The details about the program and process of the 7th SFE as well as the registration details can be found here:…

The 7th Stuttgart Forum for Development is a cooperation event between the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) and the Service point for municipalities in the One World of Engagement Global, the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Housing, the Baden-Württemberg City Council and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.


Cabaret Buja-BW in Bujumbura

After almost a year, a Cabaret Buja-BW took place again in Burundi. The focus of the evening was on the topic of partnerships, but getting to know the various partners and the new faces at the SEZ was also an important part of the meeting. And of course information about the SEZ's work over the past twelve months.

It works! Burundi tender 2019 has taken place, it has enriched the SEZ with new partner NGOs. The Corona crisis has led to some changes in the way we work and there are new people working in and with the SEZ in the Burundi Competence Center. “The SEZ wants to get closer to its Burundian partner organizations,” said Aline Dusabe. She has been an on-site advisor to the SEZ in Bujumbura since the end of 2019. “You can contact me directly in Burundi, I am with you.” Aline Dusabe also introduced Raïssa Mpundu, who has been working at the SEZ in Stuttgart for several months.

The partners in attendance introduced themselves and spoke about the projects they are currently implementing and whether they are seeing changes in the communities in which they work. One of the goals of the cabaret is to build bridges between different SEZ partner organizations that do not know each other. And it is a great joy to see that some partners meet again after many years and that new, joint plans emerge.

Around 20 people took part in the cabaret - representatives of organizations that would like to work with the SEZ and those that already have a partnership with the SEZ. They have been working in partnership with organizations from Baden-Württemberg for many years. The SEZ primarily acts as a networker to connect organizations within Burundi and coordinate new partnerships with organizations from Baden-Württemberg.

French Version

Cabaret Buja-BW à Bujumbura: Consolidator les ancient contacts, en créer de new

Après presque un, another Cabaret Buja-BW a eu lieu à Bujumbura en autre. La soirée était principalement axée sur le theme des partenariats, mais il était également essentiel de faire connaissance avec les différents partenaires ainsi que les new visages de la SEZ. Et bien sûr, des informations sur le travail de la SEZ au cours des douze derniers mois.

L'appel à projet beffekt!Burundi 2019 a permis que la SEZ soit enrichie par de new ONG partenaires, the crisis of coronavirus a entrainé des changes dans la manière de travailler de la SEZ et de nouvelles personnes travaillent ont rejoint la SEZ au sein du center de compétence du Burundi. « The SEZ is based on the rapprochement of its organizations in Burundaises » and explained by Aline Dusabe. Madame Dusabe is a local consultant for the SEZ in Bujumbura in 2019. « You can contact me directly, you are also in Burundi » and you can also contact me. Elle a également présenté Raïssa Mpundu qui travaille depuis quelque mois à la SEZ à Stuttgart.

Les partenaires present se sont présentés et ont parlé des projects qu’ils mettent actuellement en œuvre et s’ils constatent des changements dans les communautés où ils travaillent. L'un des objectifs du cabaret est de bâtir des ponts entre les différentes organizations partenaires de la SEZ qui ne se connaissent pas. This is a great opportunity for certain partners to become aware of the new names and the new shared projects in découlent.

A person's participation in cabaret - the representatives of organizations that aim to work with the SEZ and cells that are part of the SEZ. These organizations work in partenariat with the organizations in the country of Bade-Wurtemberg for several years. The SEZ agit principalement en tant que réseau pour relier également les organizations du Burundi et pour coordonner les new partenariats avec les organizations du Bade-Wurtemberg.


Call for funding 2020 abroad works!

Baden-Württemberg organizations can now apply to the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) for funding from the program! place.

Partnership projects for development cooperation abroad are supported by non-profit project sponsors from Baden-Württemberg. It is important that these are projects that were created on the initiative of the partners. The maximum funding amount is 20.000 euros and the duration of the projects is limited to 12 months.

The application deadline ends on October 20, 2020. An independent expert committee decides on the project commitments. Further information can be found Read.

works! is the SEZ's funding program with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg for development cooperation projects at home and abroad as well as the partner country Burundi.

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