
Over 20.000 euros donated for the SEZ Christmas campaign

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) says thank you for 20.740 euros in Christmas donations. We use these funds to support projects for people in Burundi and Nigeria.

We would like to thank everyone for their donations as part of our Christmas campaign 2020. The SEZ can use the money to support five projects. For example, the construction of a photovoltaic system in the Ugwaku school center, Nigeria. With the new system, around 620 students will have electricity all day long, for example for computer science lessons.

Burundian actors are receiving financial support for a planned tour in the cities of Bujumbura and Gitega in Burundi. In a play in the local language of Kirundi, they want to show young people in a humorous way the consequences of migration.

The Maier printing company and the Maier families in Rottenburg are using their donation to support two projects. On the one hand, the start-up financing of a breakfast hall with a kitchen for school children in the municipality of Kiganda in the Burundian province of Muramvya. This project makes a major contribution to the well-being of children and their families. On the other hand, Burundian foster families in the provinces of Kirundo and Muyinga, who have taken in former child soldiers and orphans, will receive funding. By covering the costs of school materials, goats and seeds, a contribution can be made to securing the families' long-term livelihood.

The SEZ supports development cooperation projects in Baden-Württemberg, Africa, Asia and Latin America. That's why we rely on donations. If you would also like to donate to the SEZ, you can find it more information here.

You can find information about the projects supported by the SEZ here.


The Green Party's parliamentary group office donates 4.800 euros

Andreas Schwarz (right), parliamentary group leader of Alliance 90/The Greens in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, hands over the donation check to Philipp Keil, the executive board of the SEZ.

The employees of the state parliamentary group of Alliance 90/The Greens collected 4.800 euros in donations for a project in Burundi as part of the SEZ Christmas campaign.

The funds will go to the youth organization Source d’Espoir (Source of Hope) for the “Shalom” project. The IT and computer science training project in Mubuga in the Gitega province of Burundi contributes to the training and professionalization of young people.

The SEZ supports development cooperation projects in Baden-Württemberg, Africa, Asia and Latin America. You can find more information about donation options and how you can support projects run by the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ). here.

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