
Networking meeting of the partnership groups

At the first networking meeting of the year, partnership groups made new contacts.

On February 4, 2022, the second nationwide networking meeting of the partnership groups took place digitally with around 48 participants from different regions of Baden-Württemberg. Claudia Duppel, managing director of the Baden-Württemberg Development Policy Association (DEAB), and Kidist Hailu, specialist promoter for local partnership initiatives at the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), first presented the diverse offers from DEAB and SEZ for partnership work. Erwin Wiest, chairman of the Piela-Bilanga support association. V. reported on the key points of the exchange in thematic working groups at the first networking meeting in October 2021: There, the participants agreed that there is a great need for more regional and supra-regional networking of the partnership groups. In addition, the desire was expressed to exchange more knowledge and practical experience in areas such as project funding and to receive more support in the process.

At the networking meeting of the partnership groups in February 2022, participants discussed questions such as: How did my partnership start? What was the motivation for the partnership? What connects me to my partners when working together? Is there a space to discuss mutual expectations? In digital breakout rooms, participants were able to get to know each other in small groups, network and exchange experiences. This enabled a broad networking process to be initiated.

The event series “State-wide digital networking meeting of the partnership groups in Baden-Württemberg” takes place in cooperation with the DEAB, the regional promoters Heide Öchslen in Schwäbisch Hall, Simone Kegelmann in Friedrichshafen, Sylvia Holzhäuer-Ruprecht in Karlsruhe, Jonas Bauschert in Freiburg, Service for Mission, Ecumenism and Development (DiMOE), the Center for Development-Related Education of the Evangelical Church of Württemberg (ZEB) and the Piela-Bilanga Support Association. v.

The next networking meeting of the partnership groups will take place on May 13, 2022 from 16:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m instead of. We warmly invite you to participate. Further information and registration options can be found here here.

The SEZ partnership center initiates, promotes and accompanies partnerships between people in Baden-Württemberg and countries in the global south. With its consulting and networking work, the Partnership Center would like, among other things, to promote the implementation of the global sustainability goals, especially partnership goal (No. 17) in Baden-Württemberg.

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Specialist promoter for local partnership initiatives


Good afternoon and Amahoro! German courses in Bujumbura

Leila Kateferi, German teacher, presents a certificate to a student. / Leila Kateferi, enseignante au cours d’allemand remettant and certificate à une des étudiantes. (Photo: Center d’Enseignement des Langues Université du Burundi)

En français ci-dessous


Amahoro and good day!

On February 3, 2022, a new round of German courses started at the University of Burundi in Bujumbura. The ceremonial opening was attended by Dieter Reinl, the German ambassador to Burundi, Aline Dusabe, the representative of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) in Burundi, Dr. Ing. Sanctus Niragira, the Rector of the University of Burundi, Dr. Aloys Misago, coordinator of the German course, as well as other representatives of the program's partner organizations and institutions and the German learners took part. In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Gélase Nimbona, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, recalled the early beginnings of the German course program and particularly praised the achievements of the last five years. Ambassador Reinl welcomed in Kirundian and emphasized the importance of language learning in both directions. Dieter Reinl sees the German Center under construction, which is a partnership project of German-Burundian relations, as a place of exchange, especially since languages ​​form the basis of every human encounter. The tour of the German Center being built was part of the program on the opening day. The center will provide space for German learners; There is a café, a library, a room for events and, above all, rooms for the German course program. This project is the result of a long collaboration with various actors who care about German-Burundian relations.

A translation app that is currently being developed was also presented at the celebrations. It is the result of a collaboration between students on the German course and Germans living in Burundi. Once available, the app will not only help students of both languages ​​with word translation, but also provide information about Burundi and Germany. Because – it was clear to everyone that evening: learning a new language is much more than just practicing vocabulary and grammar. You also learn a lot about other countries, art and culture and can meet people on a personal level. And since we're talking about art and culture: The opening ceremony was enriched by diverse contributions such as dances, songs and sketches in German from the students. At the end, the students who had already successfully completed German courses at the University of Burundi received their certificates.

German courses have been offered at the University of Burundi in Bujumbura since 2017 and are becoming increasingly popular. There are currently 1208 people enrolled in the German learning program. The German courses at the Université du Burundi are run by the SEZ works! Burundi Funding line supported. If you don't want to miss any more news about the partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg, you can subscribe to our newsletter here:

Hello to Bujumbura – Cours d'allemand to the University of Burundi


Amahoro et good day!

The 3rd of February 2022, a new session of the course d'allemand a débuté at the University of Burundi in Bujumbura. Dieter Reinl, ambassador for Burundi, Aline Dusabe, representative of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) in Burundi, Dr. Ing. Sanctus Niragira, rector of the University of Burundi, Dr. Aloys Misago, coordinateur des cours d'allemand, ainsi que d'autres représentants*tes des organizations et institutions partenaires du program et les apprenants d'allemand ont participé à la cérémonie d'ouverture. Dans son allocution de bienvenue, le Dr. Gélase Nimbona, doyen de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, a rappelé les premiers débuts du program de cours d'allemand et a particulièrement loué les réalisations des cinq dernières années. L'ambassadeur Reinl a souhaité la bienvenue en kirundi et a souligné l'importance de l'apprentissage des langues dans les deux sens. Dieter Reinl was responsible for the center of construction in construction, which is a project for the German-Burundais relationship, in the context of change, in addition to the languages ​​that are part of the base of the human race. The visit of the Center d’allemand en construction faisait partie du program de la journée d’inauguration. Le center accueillera des apprentices d’allemand ; There is a café, a library, a room for the events and the location of the program for the course of the Allemand. The project is the result of a long-term collaboration with different actors*trices that are close to the German-Burundian relations.

An application de traduction en cours de développement a également été présentée lors des festivités. Elle is the fruit d'une collaboration between les étudiants du cours d'allemand and les Allemands résidant au Burundi. Dès que l'application sera disponible, elle aidera les étudiants des deux langues non seulement à traduire des mots, mais fournira également des informations sur le Burundi et l'Allemagne. Car – all the world in the world is conscientious about the language: learn a new language, it's good and it's easy to practice vocabulary and grammar. On apprend aussi beaucoup sur d’autres pays, l’art et la culture et on peut se rencontrer humainement. Et puisqu'on parle d'art et de culture: the cérémonie d'ouverture a été enrichie par des contributions aux multiples facettes telles que des danses, des chansons et des sketches en anglais des apprentices*tes. Pour finir, les apprenants*tes qui ont déjà terminé avec succès des cours d’allemand à l’Université du Burundi ont reçu leurs certificates.

Depuis 2017 déjà, des cours d'allemand sont proposés à l'Université du Burundi à Bujumbura et sont de plus en plus populaires. Currently, 1208 people have written instructions on the language training program from level A1 to level C1. Les cours d’allemand à l’Université du Burundi sont soutenus par la SEZ à travers the line of financement works! Burundi. If you don't want to miss out on the new partnership between Burundi and Bade-Wurtemberg, you can subscribe to our newsletter:

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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi


#FairtradeSchools – Schools for Global Justice

Fairtrade schools and committed students from Baden-Württemberg have a new hashtag.

In Baden-Württemberg, over 130 fair trade schools are committed to fair trade. Now there is a new hashtag that makes the young students' commitment even more visible. With the hashtags #FairtradeSchoolsBaWü and #FairtradeSchool Students from all over Baden-Württemberg and beyond highlight their ideas about fair trade on social media. This is how you can Instagram, TikTok and Facebook Find new inspiration and action tips every day that invite you to get involved for a fairer world and sustainability. In the Media Library Interested parties can download flyers, action guidelines and other materials from the nationwide Fairtrade Schools campaign.

Since April 2014, schools in Baden-Württemberg have been able to receive the title of Fairtrade School and thus show why fair trade is needed and how it can be implemented in everyday school life. The Fairtrade Schools campaign offers teachers the opportunity to concretely integrate sustainability into everyday school life and to illustrate how fairer consumption and trade alternatives can be implemented. Since 2021, Theresa Schopper, Minister for Culture, Youth and Sport, has taken over the patronage of the Fairtrade Schools in Baden-Württemberg to honor the commitment of young people to a fairer world.

For the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), it is important that students from Baden-Württemberg deal with questions of global justice, global connections and the consequences of their own actions for people in other regions of the world. At SEZ, teachers from all types of schools receive suggestions and support in implementing topics such as fair trade, global environmental education or human rights in lessons, on project days and in everyday school life.

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Raquel Dischinger

Project coordination Future Fashion, Fairtrade Schools & Fair Trade Fair

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