
THE INGABO – a night to fall

Actors at the premiere in Bujumbura. / Actors at the premiere in Bujumbura. (Photo: Umunyinya).

En français ci-dessous.

The Ingabo – A night to fall is a transcultural music theater project in which artists from Burundi and Germany tell stories of resistance together.

Together they show the devastation of colonization from a Burundian perspective in the form of a re-enactment of the Abadasigana Uprising, the seven-year resistance against German colonization in the Kingdom of Burundi. At the same time, the artists examine the German perspective on colonization at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. They are also looking for parallels to a German history of resistance - the uprising of the Silesian weavers, which the author Gerhart Hauptmann memorialized in his famous work “The Webers” in 1892.

By combining German-Burundian history with historical texts and sensual elements such as dance, music and singing, “The Ingabo – A night to fall” creates an extraordinary theater experience that tells of past injuries as well as today's similarities and the possibility of encounter and exchange.

Ultimately, it is a piece about the need for empathy but also for pride and defensiveness where empathy is lacking and oppression begins.

“Coming and Going” – The Six Cities Association Festival – is cooperating on the project! with Umunyinya asbl Bujumbura and the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.

The premiere took place in Bujumbura on March 31 and April 1, 2023.

This piece is also performed in Germany. Make a note of these details now:

  • 1.7./2.7. Klosterhof, Zittau (entrance fee 15 euros)
  • 5.7./6.7. Forecourt of the Linden Museum, Stuttgart (free)
  • 8.7. Street theater festival ViaThea, Görlitz (free)
  • 9.7. German-Sorbian Folk Theater, Bautzen (entrance 15 euros)

Funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation’s TURN2 fund. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.

THE INGABO - A night to fall

The Ingabo - A night to fall is a project of the theater musical transculturel dans lequel des artists du Burundi et d'Allemagne racontent ensemble des histoires de résistance.

Ensemble, ils montrent les ravages de la colonization d'un point de vue Burundais sous the forme d'un réenactment du soulèvement d'Abadasigana, the résistance de sept ans contra la colonization anglaise dans le royaume du Burundi. In parallel, the artists* studied the point of view in Germany on the colonization in the 19th century and at the debut of the 20th century. It is a parallel example of a historical resistance - the revolt of Silésie's forces, from the author Gerhart Hauptmann's own homage in 1982 in his celebrated oeuvre “The Weber”.

En associant l'histoire Germano-Burundaise à des textes historiques et à des éléments sensoriels tels que la dance, la musique et le chant, “The Ingabo – A night to fall” crée an expérience théâtrale exceptionalnelle qui parle aussi bien des Blessures passées que des points communs actuels et de la possibilité de rencontre et d'échange.

In fin de compte, il s'agit d'une pièce sur la nécessité de l'empathie, mais also sur la fierté et la capacity de se defense là où l'empathie fait défaut et où commence l'oppression.

Pour ce project, “Coming and Going” – The Six Cities Association Festival! coopère with Umunyinya asbl Bujumbura and the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.

The premiere in the city of Bujumbura on March 31 and April 1, 2023.

This piece is also available in Allemagne. Note on the dates in the agendas:

  • 1.7./2.7. Klosterhof, Zittau (entrée 15 euros)
  • 5.7/6.7. esplanade du Linden Museum, Stuttgart(free)
  • 8.7. Festival de théâtre de rue ViaThea, Görlitz (free)
  • 9.7. German-Sorbian Folk Theater, Bautzen (entrée 15 euros)

Based on the TURN2 Fund from the Federal Cultural Foundation. Soutenu by the Délégué du Federal Government à la culture et aux médias.

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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi


Southern time in Kirundi

En français ci-dessous.

The December issue of Südzeit takes you through the partnership between Baden-Württemberg and Burundi on twelve pages. And now also in Kirundi!

This issue shows the partnership from different perspectives:

  • In four mini-portraits and statements Participants from Baden-Württemberg and Burundi explain why the partnership is important. With contributions from Raïssa Mpundu, Horst Gorbauch, Verena Stamm and Thilo Kehrer.
  • To learn more about the Background to agroforestry To find out, read the article by Thomas Hoyer.
  • If you are interested in the funding line works! Burundi Aline Dusabe's short reports give you insights into three projects.
  • It follows a Interview, in which Philipp Keil, Aline Dusabe and Muna Hassaballah discuss the background of the BW-Burundi partnership.
  • State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet highlights in his Statement the importance of partnership and provides an outlook on future collaboration.
  • The cultural framework is provided by Amani Papy, a well-known filmmaker from Burundi: In two film portraits he introduces you to the films “Hands and Feet” and “Dangerous Roads”. Both films are available on YouTube.
  • Father Dr. Déogratias Maruhukiro takes us into the past and describes it in his article Beginnings of German colonial history in Burundi.

We hope you enjoy reading! Südzeit is kindly making this issue available for download free of charge:


The partenariat BW-Burundi in the magazine Südzeit

On two pages, the December number of the southern period allows you to discover the part between Bade-Wurtemberg and Burundi.

Dans ce numéro, the partenariat is present sous different perspectives:

  • In four mini-portraits and explanations, the personnes actives in Bade-Wurtemberg and in Burundi expressly pourquoi the partenariat is important. With contributions from Raïssa Mpundu, Horst Gorbauch, Verena Stamm and Thilo Kehrer.
  • To find out more about the context of agroforestry, read the article by Thomas Hoyer.
  • You are interested in the promotion line works! Burundi, les rapports courts d’Aline Dusabe you donnent an aperçu de three projects.
  • An interview suit, from the source Philipp Keil, Aline Dusabe and Muna Hassaballah, spoke in the context of the BW-Burundi partenariat.
  • In the declaration, the secretary of the Office, Rudi Hoogvliet, considers the importance of the partenariat and gives access to the future collaboration.
  • The cadre culturel sera donné par Amani Papy, a cinéaste Burundais bien connu: dans deux portraits de films, the present les films “Hands and Feet” and “Dangerous Roads”. Les deux films are available on YouTube.
  • Pere Dr. Déogratias Maruhukiro nous prend le passé et décrit dans son article les débuts de l’histoire coloniale angelande au Burundi.

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture! The southern time has the ability to meet a number of free charges and can be charged twice a day (seulement in English).

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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi


Climate justice, migration and diversity

(From left to right) Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze, Farhad Alsilo, State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, Navika Deol and State Parliament member Josha Frey at the Mindchangers Summit 2023 at the Fair Trade trade fair in Stuttgart.

Young activists make it clear that climate justice, migration and diversity belong together

At the second Mindchangers Summit on April 15, 2023 at the Fair Trade trade fair in Stuttgart, young committed people met state politics - there they called for the topics of climate justice, migration and diversity to be made the focus of nationwide development policy.

“The earth is our cradle, why are we destroying it? Let's think about them and protect them together - for a healthy planet and a shared future worth living." emphasized the speaker Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze, climate activist and committed person who is involved in the project "Greening Burundi“advocates for climate justice.

To do this, we have to ask ourselves “how we can create more social justice so that no one feels disadvantaged.” – added speaker Farhad Alsilo, who, as a young author, brings the topic of migration to schools in Baden-Württemberg.

Global justice can only be achieved if everyone is included, which is why the topic of gender justice played a major role at the Mindchangers Summit. “Gender should not decide what our future looks like,” says speaker Navika Deol, who is committed to greater gender equality and is an integral part of the Mindchangers Community.

Everyone works together!

At the summit, young committed people from the Mindchangers projects came together with already established development networks, such as migrant-diasporic organizations or the BW-Burundi network. Civil society organizations, schools, universities, municipalities, churches as well as state politics and State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, responsible for development policy, were also represented. As part of a bar camp, the content of which is developed by the participants themselves on site, the actors exchanged views on questions such as “What can we do for social justice?” and “How do you strengthen young commitment to local climate protection?” or “Art and Reality – What role can art play?” The participants worked together on ongoing projects, such as the reforestation project “Greening Burundi“, concrete approaches to how the topics of climate justice, migration and diversity belong together as a focus of national development policy. The Barcamp was prepared in cooperation with the Center for School Quality and Learning Education (ZSL).


Development policy as a question of future viability

The promoters of a world promoter program in Baden-Württemberg at the state development policy conference on April 15, 2023 in Stuttgart (photo credit: SEZ).

170 voices for global responsibility: At the state development policy conference in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg activists met representatives of state politics and put their concerns about global justice on the political agenda.

On April 15, 2023, around 170 people came together in the International Congress Center at Messe Stuttgart under the motto “Develop Baden-Württemberg – Global responsibility begins with us!” They discussed with representatives of the state government and the state parliament what needs to happen at a political level in Baden-Württemberg so that we don't live at the expense of others.

Baden-Württemberg, Berlin and the world

Rudi Hoogvliet, State Secretary for Media and Development Policy, who represents Baden-Württemberg as the state's representative in Berlin, sat down with members of the state parliament, organizations and those involved in the development policy map in Baden-Württemberg to discuss global future issues. The One World Promoters, who are experts in development policy in the country, invited the event. They are contact persons for all people in Baden-Württemberg who are looking for solutions to questions about more global justice. Be it in the areas of supply chains and fair trade relations, how more global sustainability can be brought to schools or what colonial history actually has to do with our lives today. The sponsor of the One World Promoters program is the umbrella association for development policy Baden-Württemberg e.V. (DEAB).

“The state government stands by its global responsibility, its educational work at home, the Baden-Württemberg development policy alliance and especially the ‘One World Promoter Program’, because we as a society will only achieve the 2030 Agenda together. I see development policy as a cross-sectional task of the state government, because we need a coherent, cross-departmental policy in order to achieve serious and ultimately productive cooperation for both sides. The global south needs us, but we need the countries there just as much,” said State Secretary Hoogvliet.

Members of the state parliament are very interested in issues of global responsibility

The members of the state parliament Josha Frey (Greens), Sebastian Cuny (SPD), Tim Bückner (CDU) and Georg Heitlinger (FDP/DVP) were represented at the conference with stage statements. Other members of the state parliament took part in the conference and took part in the content offerings organized by the One World promoters. Questions of global justice were discussed in nine workshops: for example, the global food transition and fairer supply chains, educational partnerships and migrant perspectives on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

“The One World promoters in BW have an enormous amount of knowledge, specialist expertise and skills, have built up both regional and national specialist networks and are in regular contact with them. “It is therefore important that politics and administration, at local and state level, take the cooperation with the One World promoters seriously, call on their expertise and competencies and use them in a targeted manner,” said Dr. Dolgor Guntsetseg, who took up her new position as network coordinator of the One World Promoters Program Baden-Württemberg at DEAB in April and is therefore the successor to Claudia Duppel.

The country's experts for more global justice

The One World Promoters program emerged from the state's development policy guidelines, which formulate how global responsibility is politically anchored in Baden-Württemberg. The program is financed by the federal and state governments. The promoters have been contributing day after day for ten years to implementing these guidelines and winning over both the political levels and citizens. Their excellent networking and specialist knowledge are an important resource for development policy actors in Baden-Württemberg. They are the ones who prepare the results of the conference and make them available digitally so that they can be followed up by state politicians, the Council for Development Cooperation and other actors. From May 12, 2023, the results of the State Development Policy Conference can be found here:

About the development policy state conference

Asked at the annual state development policy conference as part of the World:Citizens dialogue format! The development policy base has the opportunity to contribute their ideas and initiatives and thus actively shape the country's development policy. The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation coordinates the Council for Development Cooperation, which advises the state government on development policy issues and invites people to the state conference.

About the DEAB

175 development policy organizations and networks in Baden-Württemberg, a total of over 400 groups and organizations, form the umbrella organization Development Policy Baden-Württemberg e.V. (DEAB). The central tasks of the umbrella organization, founded in 1975, are to support its members through information, advice, networking, training and the political representation of their concerns to politicians and the public. In addition, the DEAB office in Stuttgart is a service point for questions relating to global responsibility and sustainability. State politics, global learning, fair trade and intercultural openness are currently the focus of the work. DEAB is the publisher of the Südzeit journal. The DEAB is also the sponsor of the One World Promoter Program and the Intercultural Promoter Program. Information:

Further informationürger-gefragt

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Communication & advice for development cooperation


Opening of the Fair Trade Fair on April 13th

The Act fairly opens on Thursday April 13th at 14 p.m. and will last 4 days Fringe events with top-class events and offers relating to global sustainability and give over 100 exhibitors the platform to present climate-friendly, fair and ecological products in the 5 exhibition areas.

We invite you to visit us at the SEZ stand, get inspiration from young mindchangers and test your knowledge about Baden-Württemberg's partnership with Burundi! Of course, we will also sample the fair trade Burundi partnership coffee there.

The special area Future fashion presents new trends for sustainable fashion of tomorrow and you have the opportunity to become the first of 60 friends and receive a limited edition T-shirt.

GREENSTYLE X Future Fashion also premieres this year in Stuttgart with a program and brands to rethink fashion. If you haven't searched enough after Easter, we invite you to find Future Fashion at another spring fair event and discover upcycling offers.

For more suggestions, professional networking and participation in development policy in Baden-Württemberg, we cordially invite you to our Specialist events .

  • Hurray, we're still alive! 50 years of World Shops on Thursday, April 13th at 15 p.m., room C6.1 in the ICC Congress Center, Messe Stuttgart
  • Long night of the senses with the singer Allègre Ruryabagabo at the stand of the BW-Burundi state partnership of the SEZ on Thursday, April 13th from 20 p.m. in Hall 1
  • BW-Burundi meeting: women. Agriculture. Development on Friday April 14th, VIP Center
  • Municipal specialist day: REPAIR instead of throwing away! on Friday, April 14th, International Congress Center Stuttgart (ICS)
  • Developing Baden-Württemberg – Global responsibility starts with us! on Saturday, April 15th 10 a.m. - 13 p.m. International Congress Center Stuttgart (ICS), Congress Hall C1
  • Mindchangers Summit: #creatingchangebw – Youth for Global Justice on Saturday, April 15th from 13.45:18 p.m. to 1 p.m., International Congress Center Stuttgart (ICS), Congress Hall CXNUMX
  • Future Fashion Tourguide Workshop on Saturday, April 15, VIP Center
  • Old hands meet newcomers on Sunday, April 16th, VIP Center

Participation in the events is free of charge. Around the specialist events you have the opportunity to visit the Fair Trade and the Stuttgart spring fairs.

We look forward to welcoming you in Hall 1 at the SEZ stand 1C.50 and the Future Fashion stand in 1A.43!

Your contact person

Raquel Dischinger

Project coordination Future Fashion, Fairtrade Schools & Fair Trade Fair


TikTok, Instagram and climate justice!

Our speaker and social media expert Louisa Schneider at the Mindchangers Workshop

The second Mindchangers Capacity Building took place on March 16, 2023 with climate influencer and content creator Louisa Schneider as speaker and local social media expert.

Today, young people are more committed than ever to global justice and the issues of migration and climate justice. They usually get their first information via digital media, especially social media channels such as TikTok and Instagram. Unlike traditional media, on social media the formats, algorithms and current trends are crucial for the reach and success of the content.

With over 34.000 followers and her experience as a multimedia reporter, journalist, presenter and content creator, our speaker Louisa Schneider is an absolute expert for content on the topic of climate and climate change on social media.

NGOs and initiatives in BW learned first-hand what influence algorithms and trends have in reaching a broad audience with their content on social media channels such as TikTok and Instagram. The participants learned how to run a successful social media campaign and achieve more reach using the right content format and other tricks.


Tender for funding works! inland

works! inland

Organizations in Baden-Württemberg can apply for funding for development-related educational work in Germany from the program until May 19, 2023! Place domestically.

On the basis of and in order to promote the implementation of the goals of the development policy guidelines for Baden-Württemberg, Baden-Württemberg organizations should be supported in their development policy project work in Baden-Württemberg.

In this sense, nationwide initiatives are called upon to apply for state funding for broad-based activities and measures in the following fields:


  • Information and educational work to raise awareness of development policy in Baden-Württemberg.
  • Networking of development policy actors, especially to integrate the commitment of migrants and diaspora communities.
  • Global learning and studying, in particular the social anchoring of education for sustainable development through project work in this context or within the framework of intercultural dialogue or cultural exchange.
  • Sustainable consumption, responsible procurement, fair trade and the development responsibility of companies. Partnership relationships with people in the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America: especially by conveying a modern, non-clichéd image of the so-called Global South.

works! Domestic is part of the funding program beffekt! the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation from state funds approved by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament for development cooperation projects at home and abroad as well as in the partner country Burundi. With the resources available! Domestic projects for development policy education work in Baden-Württemberg are funded. The maximum funding amount is 20.000 euros and the duration of the projects is limited to twelve months.

The application deadline for b is effective! Domestic ends May 19, 2023 at 16:00 p.m. CEST. An independent expert committee decides on the project commitments. More information can be found here.

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Project coordination Mindchangers & bworks! inland

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