Africa is the future and startup continent

Technology Region takes (East) Africa into account and wants to enable cooperation on an equal footing - building trust is an important prerequisite

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), TechnologyRegion Karlsruhe GmbH (TRK) as well sieber l wensauer-sieber l partner (swsp) organized the online kick-off event of the Digital Hub Africa with the aim of gradually intensifying connections between the region and East Africa. “Africa is the future and startup continent from which we can learn a lot.” said Philipp Keil, managing director of the SEZ.

Collaboration with start-ups and companies from African countries is arousing more and more interest and Africa is also becoming more important in the Karlsruhe Technology Region. This became particularly clear through the impulse of James Shikwati, Kenyan economist and founder of the Interregional Economic Network IREN. He gave insights into the East African start-up scene in the areas of mobility, energy and digitalization. Shikwati, who was speaking from Nairobi, came to the conclusion that, in addition to trust, the path to each other depends on the openness and flexibility of those involved. In order to be successful, according to the 51-year-old former Robert Bosch Fellow, it is helpful to build on established start-ups and companies and to use the hubs that exist in East Africa and their knowledge.

Designed as a stakeholder dialogue, the opening event with over 70 registered participants from the areas of start-ups, companies, science, the public sector and ministries aimed to strengthen existing networks in the TRK, but also beyond, as well as interested start-ups and To activate companies in the areas of energy, mobility and digitalization. Ways and needs were discussed together to enable stable cooperation in the future. The first virtual meetings between German and African interested parties are scheduled to take place in November.

Further information can be found on the Website of the Karlsruhe Technology Region and in the press release from the 30.09.2021.

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