AFRICA IS COMING! to Stuttgart

22 young managers from sub-Saharan Africa are currently working in companies and foundations throughout Germany. Last weekend they were guests in Stuttgart.

From March 9th to 11th, 2018, the scholarship holders of this year's round of “AFRIKA KOMMT! – German business initiative for young managers from sub-Saharan Africa” in Stuttgart. They came to a seminar that was prepared and conducted by the Robert Bosch Foundation in cooperation with the SEZ. Workshops and lectures discussed, among other things, the role of foundations in Germany, trends and developments in German philanthropy and social challenges in Germany and in international cooperation. The program was rounded off with a visit to Villa Reitzenstein, the House of History and an alternative city tour.

“The time in Stuttgart was a great experience. I gained new insight into the work of foundations. I get a lot from the workshop presentations for my everyday working life. And during the city tour through Stuttgart with a former homeless person, I realized how many things we take for granted in everyday life. And that, contrary to my expectations, not everyone in Germany is better off,” is how one of the African participants sums up her weekend in the state capital. 

Augusta Muhimpundu, who has been working as an expert for the Burundi Competence Center at the SEZ since autumn 2017, is also one of the 22 “African Leaders”. In Burundi, she is the program coordinator of YESS, a program of the Association Des Guides Du Burundi. This exchange program enables young women to do a six-month internship abroad. The main areas of focus for the psychologist are the training of young managers and the empowerment of women.

In collaboration and with funding from the Robert Bosch Foundation, two civil society representatives were able to join the AFRIKA COMES! program in 2017 for the first time. be included. The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH is implementing the program on behalf of the corporate initiative.

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AFRICA IS COMING! in Stuttgart

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