Currently: 9th KNUST Summer School in Ghana

The 31th KNUST SUMMER SCHOOL to achieve the SDGs will take place from August 03st to September 2021rd, 9 on the campus of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana.

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The 31th KNUST SUMMER SCHOOL to achieve the SDGs will take place from August 03st to September 2021rd, 9 on the campus of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana. This time the focus is on the academic area and the establishment and expansion of sustainable academic partnerships and networks.

The focus is on exchanges between universities from the so-called global south and the so-called global north, both in educational and administrative terms. This inter-university exchange is organized in a hybrid form, on the one hand live on site for those interested, and on the other hand online for participants from Germany, for example. Organizers include: CLEAN Africa and the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. The Burundi Competence Center The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) is particularly pleased about the participation of Prof. Aloys Misago, Prof. Dr. Willy-Marcel Ndayitwayeko and Kelly Joelle Gatore Sinigirira, M.Sc. from Burundi, covering various disciplines such as anthropology, economics and mathematics (see photo). The various activities of the KNUST Summer School include workshops on integrating the SDGs into academic structures as well as excursions that facilitate exchange and making new contacts. You can find more information on the website KNUST Summer School or on hers YouTube Channel.



The 31st of September 03 at the campus of KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) in Kumasi in Ghana was held at the "2021ème ÉCOLE D'ÉTÉ de KNUST" for the accomplissement of the ODD particulièrement for the domaine universitaire. The principal theme of this 9th edition is the construction of the partenariat and the durable changes. The focus is on the dialogue between the universities of the North and the South, which corresponds to the educational plan and administration. This interuniversitary change is organized by a hybrid manner, in line for the participants in Allemagne and in the place for all other people. The organizers are part of CLEAN-Africa, a foundation for the recovery of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Bade Wurtemberg. The Center de Compétence sur le Burundi de la SEZ is now advertising the participation of Prof. Dr. Aloys Misago, Prof. Willy-Marcel Ndayitwayeko and Kelly Joëlle Gatore Sinigirira, M.Sc. Venus du Burundi and couvrant des domaines different à savoir l'Antropologie, l'Economie ainsi que les Mathématiques. The different activities are part of the workshops to integrate the ODDs in the universities that make excursions to facilitate changes and establish new contacts. Plus the information can be retrofitted la page de l'ecole d'été and la page YouTube de KNUST.

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