Tender works! Domestic has begun

Applications for the beffekt!Inland funding program of the Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) can be submitted online via our new application portal until May 28.05.2021, XNUMX.

works! is the SEZ's funding program and is financed with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg. With beffects!Domestic Domestic projects can be funded that are dedicated to sustainability and partnership issues. Specifically, this involves projects that sensitize people in Baden-Württemberg to the content of development education work. All information about the funding line beffects!Domestic seehere. In the current round of beffects!Domestic Organizations from Baden-Württemberg can receive funding up to Application deadline is July 28.05.21th, XNUMX Submit applications.

New: Applications are now completely online

From 2021, applying to the SEZ will be even easier. If you would like to apply for project funding at the SEZ, simply register with the new one SEZ application portal and fill out your application completely online. You can save your information at any time and edit it later. About 6-8 weeks after the end of the application period, you will be informed by email and directly in the application portal whether your application was successful. If funding is approved, further areas such as “project funding contract” and “proof of use” will be activated for you.

Our team can answer any questions you may have about SEZ project funding Glossary and our FAQsanswer. If you would like to know which projects have been funded by the SEZ so far, take a look here over. If you have any further questions regarding the application process, we will be happy to advise you. For a personal consultation, please contact your SEZ contact person by email Jerry Biden. Would you like to receive all announcements about SEZ project funding by email? Then simply contact us via Email with your organization's contact details for our project funding mailing list.

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