Tenders and dates for project funding in 2022

The SEZ publishes this year's dates for the funding programs beffekt! and Mindchangers.

works! is the SEZ's funding program and is financed with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg. Projects at home and abroad that are characterized by sustainability and partnership are supported. Mindchangers is a European Union project in Baden-Württemberg with a funding program for global change and young commitment.

Expected dates in 2022

  Call for tender Application Deadline
works! inland 04 April 2022 23 Maj 2022
works! Burundi 14 April 2022 June 06, 2022
works! Abroad June 10, 2022 July 18, 2022
Mindchangers July 15, 2022 September 15, 2022

The earliest possible start to the project is around 8-10 weeks after the application deadline. Please note that this Information provided without guarantee are and should serve as orientation. The final deadline can be found in the respective advertisement. We would also be happy to add you to our mailing list so that you will be informed as early as possible about the tenders and the activation in the SEZ application portal. To do this, simply send a short email with the relevant information about your organization projektfoerderung@sez.de.

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