The Burundian filmmaker Amani Papy in conversation with Willy Rollé, managing director of TAVMA, at the Q&A with Hamza Niyondiko, participant, after the broadcast of “petit pays” by Gaël Faye / e cinéaste burundais Amani Papy in discussion with Willy Rollé, director of TAVMA, lors d'un Q&A with Hamza Niyondiko, participant, after the diffusion of « petit pays » by Gaël Faye (Photo: SEZ)
En français ci-dessous.
2 evenings, 4 films. At the end of October, a feature film and three short films by Burundian directors were shown on two evenings as part of TAVMA's Burundi Film Autumn. A joint discussion followed.
Shown were:
- Little Country (by Éric Barbier)
- Armelle, Portrait Ndashoboye (by Billy Arnaud Mbonyingingo)
- 1972, mémoires blessées, part 2 (by Amani Papy Ndikumana and Patrick Hajayandi)
- No tubipfe! (by Diane Kaneza)
Viewers on site at the Pearl Hotel in Bujumbura and in the Linden Museum in Stuttgart as well as online had the opportunity to watch the films and exchange ideas with the filmmakers. Willy Rollé from TAVMA and Amani Papy Ndikumana from the Burundi Film Center moderated the event.
In their contributions, the filmmakers discussed challenges that stand in their way as artists: in particular copyrights, screening rooms for their films, production financing and much more.
The films were about Burundi's painful past, the identity crises of Burundians, the country's image abroad and entrepreneurship. The film, like art in general, manages to tackle difficult topics with sensitivity, creating a different framework for dialogue that deals with antagonistic, traumatic and even conflictual aspects with a tact that is typical of art. These evenings of exchange have revealed solutions and created a new level of hope, particularly regarding the identity crises in Burundi.
Collaboration in the field of film is a focus that the SEZ has been pursuing for some time. One of the products of this collaboration is a short film by Amani Papy:
Le Burundi à l'honneur au festival TAVMA 2022
Deux soirées, four films. In October, in the cadre de l'automne cinématographique Burundais de TAVMA, a long métrage and three courts métrages de réalisateurs Burundais ont été projetés lors deux soirées. Une discussion commune a suivi. The films presented are:
- Petit pays (d'Éric Barbier)
- Armelle, Portrait Ndashoboye (de Billy Arnaud Mbonyingingo)
- 1972, Mémoires Blessées, 2nd Game (d’Amani Papy Ndikumana and Patrick Hajayandi)
- No tubipfe! (de Diane Kaneza)
The public of Bujumbura at the Pearl Hôtel (via Zoom) and the Stuttgart at the Linden Museum also have fun and the opportunity to watch four films and also change the subject with the cinema. This event is in the cadre of the TAVMA automne festival in cooperation with the SEZ on two days. De Stuttgart, lieu de projection principale la moderation était assurée by Willy Rollé, de TAVMA and Amani Papy Ndikumana du Burundi Film Center. Les interventions des cinéastes abordaient leurs défis en tant qu’artistes notamment les droits d’auteur, les spaces de projection de leurs films, les financements pour la production entre other.
Les subjects de ces films portaient sur le passé douloureux du Burundi, les crises identitaires des Burundaises et Burundais, l'image du pays à l'extérieur, ainsi que sur l'entrepreneuriat. Les cinéastes Burundaises et Burundais ont pu avoir accès au public varié des deux régions de la coopération. The cinema tout comme les other facets of art has this capacity to permettre d'aborder les thèmes difficiles, avec délicatesse et crée an autre cadre de dialogue qui inclue les aspects antagonistes, traumatiques et même conflictuels avec un tact propre à l'art . The soirées de partage des solutions ont été esquissés et also a high level of espoir acquis surtout concernant les crises identitaires du Burundi.
Signals that the cooperation on the cinematic plan is an axe that the SEZ abordé depuis a certaine period. The product of this collaboration/coopération is a court report from Amani Papy that you can consult with ci-dessus.
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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi