
Mindchangers on the DRUCK SACHE podcast

Müzeyen Tasdelen, Mindchangers project coordinator at SEZ, and Navika Deol, Mindchangers ambassador as guests on the DRUCK SACHE podcast.

In episode #40 “Young Voices for the 2030 Agenda” of the DRUCK SACHE podcast, Müzeyen Tasdelen, Mindchangers project coordinator at SEZ, and Navika Deol, Mindchangers ambassador with host State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, discussed their commitment to Mindchangers.

The focus of the episode is on the barriers and challenges that young people have to contend with when engaging in initiatives, participation and projects to achieve the goals of the 20230 Agenda. The very current question of the extent to which European decision-makers enable the long-term inclusion of young migrants is also examined in the episode. In addition, Müzeyen Tasdelen and Navika Deol provide insights into the structures of Mindchangers, their areas of responsibility and personal experiences in relation to their volunteer work.  

 “With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. These include, for example, the goals for high-quality education or affordable and clean energy, but also the goal of creating “partnerships to achieve these goals”. One form of such partnerships is the promotion of mind changers,” says Rudi Hoogvliet in the 40th episode of DRUCK SACHE.

Breaking down barriers to young engagement

“Central to this is the collaboration with partner organizations all over the world and also this understanding [...] that everything is one big gear that meshes with one another and that these problems should not be viewed individually,” emphasized Müzeyen Tasdelen. The Mindchangers projects are therefore active in Baden-Württemberg and the five partner regions of Piedmont, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, La Rioja, Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles and Dolj County. In this way, Mindchangers supports young people across Europe to become more effectively politically active as a community. Therefore, one of the overarching goals of the Mindchangers campaign is to address barriers such as ignorance, indifference and a lack of trust among political decision-makers towards young committed people and at the same time to break them down.

In addition to climate change, Navika Deol and Müzeyen Tasdelen see inadequate integration and inclusion of young migrants in European society as a major problem. The competence of these actors must be recognized and integrated into solutions to current challenges: “I want my competence to be denied just because I have a migration background or that you quickly become a figurehead for great integration […] I want it neither. […] I am not just my migration story, I am more than that and the commitment I do is not because I have a migration background, but because the topic interests me personally!” emphasizes Navika Deol.

Through information campaigns and events, Mindchangers identifies precisely these social injustices. The campaign supports change through educational work and exchange.

In the second part of the podcast, State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet addresses, among other things, two topics discussed in the Federal Council. On the one hand, by establishing a new heat planning to decarbonize the heating networks. Secondly, with the changes to the Energy Industry Act and the Soil Monitoring Act. In addition, the draft circular economy in the automotive sector, the European Union's accession negotiations with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina and the plan to amend the aviation security fee regulation will be discussed.

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Out Now: Mindchangers Youth Declaration

Participants of this year’s Mindchangers International Youth Meeting adopting the “Mindchangers Youth Declaration”; Photo: Vivien Staff

The “Mindchangers Youth Declaration: Appeals and Proposals by Young People for a Sustainable Future – Mindchangers International Youth Meeting 2023, Stuttgart” is here!

At this year's Mindchangers International Youth Meeting in Stuttgart, around 100 young people from projects in all six partner regions worked on the development of the declaration for three days and adopted it. It contains demands and suggestions to overcome the barriers to young engagement - especially with regard to the 2030 Agenda. Young people's engagement faces the same challenges across Europe. The delegates discussed and combined their international experience and expertise from the project activities to draft this catalog of measures aimed at local, national and international authorities and institutions as well as representatives of civil society and networks from the public and private sectors.

The “Mindchangers Youth Declaration” is a strong statement from young people as crucial actors in global change towards a sustainable future.

You can find the English version of the “Mindchangers Youth Declaration”. here. The German version is already in the works and can also be downloaded at the beginning of 2024.


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Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration

Participants and coordinators of the Mindchangers International Youth Meeting; Photography: Vivien Staff

At this year's Mindchangers International Youth Meeting in Stuttgart from September 25th to 27th, 2023, young people from the Mindchangers projects worked intensively and hand in hand on the first version of the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration - a position paper with demands and measures to overcome the barriers to young engagement .

The participants from the six project regions Baden-Württemberg (DE), Piedmont (IT), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (FR), La Rioja (ES), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE) and Dolj County (RO) pooled their international experience and their expertise to find solutions to six specific barriers to youth engagement: not being heard, funding, rigid institutional structures, mental health, education and lack of trust.

Dobre Mihai Ionut from one of the Romanian Mindchangers projects made it clear that these barriers can be felt throughout the EU: “I thought that these blockages only existed here in Romania and only made life difficult for us - I have the other project regions in this one idealized in this respect. At the Mindchangers International Youth Meeting I was able to exchange ideas with other project sponsors from the EU and noticed that we all struggle with more or less the same problems and challenges.”

Auf dem Mindchangers Future Impact Summit – directing global change On September 26, 2023, the impulses from the International Youth Meeting with Rudi Hoogvliet, State Secretary for Development Policy in Baden-Württemberg, representatives from politics, municipalities, NGOs and science as well as young committed people from Argentina, Kenya, Uganda, Indonesia and Baden-Württemberg were shared. Württemberg discussed. In this way, young people, political hosts, experts and stakeholders worked together to develop solutions for the 2030 Agenda and contributed their individual perspectives. The results of the summit flowed into the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration which is to be passed on to local and international institutions, representatives of civil society and networks as an impulse and catalog of measures to overcome the barriers to young engagement.

We have now officially reached the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda. This shows us that we as a global community need to work together even more intensively and closely to achieve the sustainability goals. The commitment of young people, together with civil society commitment and the cooperation of all actors at the local level, is a fundamental key to achieving the SDGs. It is important to recognize and include the expertise of all actors, especially young committed people, emphasizes Grace A. Orao, coordinator of East and South Africa at the United Network of Young Peacebuilders and speaker at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit:

“It is important to recognize that young people around the world are at the forefront of global justice efforts and are actively engaged. Unfortunately, young people are often portrayed in the media as troublemakers or victims. To counteract these stereotypes and misconceptions, we […] work together to produce reports that prove otherwise.”

That was exactly the aim of the three-day conference: to create a space to network, form new partnerships, strengthen existing partnerships and exchange expertise and experiences from our commitment.

Philipp Keil, who was present at the International Youth Meeting and the Future Impact Summit as managing director of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), is “convinced of the power of the committed people and the ideas presented” and emphasized in his speech: “ We will work very hard to further promote young commitment to climate justice. To this end, as an SEZ we will also use our access to the state parliament and the ministries. The idea of ​​Mindchangers to strengthen cooperation between political leaders in a region - in our case the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg - and associations and initiatives from society is the founding idea of ​​the SEZ.

You can get further impressions of the Mindchangers International Youth Meeting and updates on the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration on the Instagram profile @mindchangers_bw and on ours Website!

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm and open-end get-together at Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany. The language of the conference is English (without translation).

Are you committed to global justice and implementing sustainability? Do you want to expand your international network and exchange experiences with other young people?

The State Ministry Baden-Württemberg and the Foundation for Development Cooperation Baden-Württemberg (SEZ) warmly invite you to the “Mindchangers Future Impact Summit – directing global change”, to take part in the international event on youth engagement and global justice.

We are now officially at the mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda, which shows us that as a global community we need to work together even more closely to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Youth engagement, together with civil society engagement and the interaction of all actors at the local level, is a fundamental key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Together with young people from Mindchangers projects in the six partner regions and other true global impact makers, who are committed to global justice and sustainability, we will explore innovative approaches to the UN 2030 Agenda. The resulting impulses will be discussed at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit with Rudi Hoogvliet, State Secretary for Development Policy in Baden-Württemberg, representatives from politics, municipalities, NGOs and academia, as well as committed partners from all across the world and young people from Baden-Württemberg, to ensure a holistic approach concerning the SDGs.

The discourses from the Summit will then flow into the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration, which will be developed during the International Youth Meeting and whose results will be passed on to the EU and the respective regional political and civil society representatives and networks as an impulse and catalog of measures.

With art performance, international keynote speakers, and input from young people from Mindchangers projects in all partner regions, we will present young engagement in all its forms and colors at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit. In the active phase, young people, political hosts, experts and EU stakeholders will work together to develop solutions for the 2030 Agenda as impulses of the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration. The Gallery of Change and the open-end get-together with food & drinks are the perfect opportunity for local and international exchange and networking.

About Mindchangers

The goal of Mindchangers is to mobilize and build regional and international networks for young people, who are dedicated to the 2030 Agenda on a global level and are focusing their engagement on the topics of climate change, migration, diversity, respect, and solidarity. At the three-day Mindchangers International Youth Meeting, young people from the partner regions Baden-Württemberg, Piedmont (IT), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (FR), La Rioja (ES), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE) and Dolj County (RO) will come together for the exchange of ideas and expertise.

Since October 2020, six European regions, civil society organizations, local authorities, and the young generation are working together on the EU-funded project “Mindchangers – Regions and Youth for Planet and People”. Individual and civic engagement of young people on the topics of climate change, climate justice, migration and sustainable development was funded in 114 projects from all Mindchangers regions. Therefore, it is important to work on strengthening the collaboration between local authorities, civil society organizations, and young people.


Grace A. Orao


Grace is a 27-year-old African peace practitioner with a compelling mission to reshape the narrative surrounding the involvement of young people as integral partners in driving change and advancing the development agenda. Currently, she is the assigned Regional Coordinator for East and Southern Africa at the United Network Of Young Peace-builders (UNOY) and the Executive Director of Women Volunteers for Peace (WOVOP).


Dr. Max Jungmann


Max is the founder and CEO of Momentum Novum, a strategy consultancy focused on sustainable development. He is also the Executive Manager of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) at Heidelberg University. After studying political science as well as sociology, media and communication science at the Universities of Trier and Heidelberg, he earned his PhD on health policy challenges of climate change at Heidelberg University. Max is a Climate Reality Leader and served for over 7 years on the senior staff of the largest UN simulation in the world, the National Model United Nations New York.



Thor Morante Brigneti


Thor is a communications specialist and project coordinator with 15 years of professional experience working in the environmental field — both in Peru and in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). As a journalist, he extensively published about the depredation of the Peruvian Amazon due to illegal gold mining activities. More recently, he has been focusing on the implementation of projects and initiatives in CEE, ranging from working with regional experts in the low-emission development strategies (LEDS) field to working with the youth on climate change awareness raising through a gamification approach.


Jenny Mushegera


Jenny is a leadership and development expert, currently working as desk officer for one of Germany's biggest development cooperation organizations. Jenny is the founder and president of CongoExcellence and has been part of various pioneering projects and activities, like the Model African Union Summit. Furthermore, she served as the Deputy Secretary-General of the African Union Diaspora Youth Initiative and was one of 20 African women leaders selected to participate in a competitive pilot program under the supervision of the Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the United Nations in New York.


Momentum novelty


Momentum Novum is a strategy consultancy that empowers organizations to integrate sustainability into their business models. Through our interactive approach, we develop sustainable strategies together with our clients, build capacities and implement effective measures. United for sustainable development.

Sustainable leadership aligns the health and productivity of teams and organizations with the health of our planet and society. Sustainable innovation management makes use of interactive, user-centered methods to harness the full innovation potential of sustainability. Sustainable strategy development integrates a holistic approach to sustainable development into the core business strategy. Effective and inclusive change management is essential for the success of transformation processes.


Climate justice, migration and diversity

(From left to right) Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze, Farhad Alsilo, State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, Navika Deol and State Parliament member Josha Frey at the Mindchangers Summit 2023 at the Fair Trade trade fair in Stuttgart.

Young activists make it clear that climate justice, migration and diversity belong together

At the second Mindchangers Summit on April 15, 2023 at the Fair Trade trade fair in Stuttgart, young committed people met state politics - there they called for the topics of climate justice, migration and diversity to be made the focus of nationwide development policy.

“The earth is our cradle, why are we destroying it? Let's think about them and protect them together - for a healthy planet and a shared future worth living." emphasized the speaker Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze, climate activist and committed person who is involved in the project "Greening Burundi“advocates for climate justice.

To do this, we have to ask ourselves “how we can create more social justice so that no one feels disadvantaged.” – added speaker Farhad Alsilo, who, as a young author, brings the topic of migration to schools in Baden-Württemberg.

Global justice can only be achieved if everyone is included, which is why the topic of gender justice played a major role at the Mindchangers Summit. “Gender should not decide what our future looks like,” says speaker Navika Deol, who is committed to greater gender equality and is an integral part of the Mindchangers Community.

Everyone works together!

At the summit, young committed people from the Mindchangers projects came together with already established development networks, such as migrant-diasporic organizations or the BW-Burundi network. Civil society organizations, schools, universities, municipalities, churches as well as state politics and State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, responsible for development policy, were also represented. As part of a bar camp, the content of which is developed by the participants themselves on site, the actors exchanged views on questions such as “What can we do for social justice?” and “How do you strengthen young commitment to local climate protection?” or “Art and Reality – What role can art play?” The participants worked together on ongoing projects, such as the reforestation project “Greening Burundi“, concrete approaches to how the topics of climate justice, migration and diversity belong together as a focus of national development policy. The Barcamp was prepared in cooperation with the Center for School Quality and Learning Education (ZSL).


TikTok, Instagram and climate justice!

Our speaker and social media expert Louisa Schneider at the Mindchangers Workshop

The second Mindchangers Capacity Building took place on March 16, 2023 with climate influencer and content creator Louisa Schneider as speaker and local social media expert.

Today, young people are more committed than ever to global justice and the issues of migration and climate justice. They usually get their first information via digital media, especially social media channels such as TikTok and Instagram. Unlike traditional media, on social media the formats, algorithms and current trends are crucial for the reach and success of the content.

With over 34.000 followers and her experience as a multimedia reporter, journalist, presenter and content creator, our speaker Louisa Schneider is an absolute expert for content on the topic of climate and climate change on social media.

NGOs and initiatives in BW learned first-hand what influence algorithms and trends have in reaching a broad audience with their content on social media channels such as TikTok and Instagram. The participants learned how to run a successful social media campaign and achieve more reach using the right content format and other tricks.


Starting signal for the Mindchangers 2023!

Start-up seminar with the project sponsors and representatives of the SEZ and the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg

The kick-off on January 26, 2023 marked the official starting signal for the eleven new Mindchangers projects in Baden-Württemberg. At the joint launch, the actors were able to get to know each other, network and exchange ideas about the plans and goals of the individual projects.

In the next twelve months, the Mindchangers 2023 will provide new impetus around the topics of climate justice and migration throughout the state. “Mindchangers – Regions and Youth for Planet and people” is a campaign funded by the European Union that aims to make visible and strengthen young engagement in the areas of climate change, migration and climate justice. The eleven projects were selected by an independent award committee made up of experts from various disciplines such as climate justice, sustainability, diversity, migration and education.

The Mindchangers 2023 are:

  • Culture on Tour – MyanmarMobile from Weitblick Freiburg e.V.
  • A construction trailer for everyone! from the youth department of the city of Rottenburg
  • Talk-To-Me: Generation of Global Citizens – We change perspectives from CaPoA Freiburg e.V.
  • Climate Stories from Fairventures Worldwide FVW gGmbH, Stuttgart
  • Climate crisis on our doorstep & solutions for tomorrow from the Friends of the Black Forest National Park e.V., Seebach/Ruhestein
  • Regional Youth Sustainability Lab from the Association of Mongolian Academics e.V., Stuttgart/Schwäbisch Hall
  • Change your Mind – Turn the Tide from Aktion Third World e.V. / iz3w, Freiburg
  • Vivas! Youth art performance on the topic of climate change from EPiZ Reutlingen
  • Yes we can protect the climate! Young migrants make climate protection tangible from Uthukumana Afrika e.V., Heidelberg
  • Plastic up, let’s do it! A practical implementation of the 2030 Agenda from Ndwenga e.V., Fellbach
  • Champions for Change from SIMAMA – STEH UP e.V., Karlsruhe

State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet, who is responsible for development policy in the state government, sees strengthening young commitment with a view to implementing the UN Agenda 2030 and the state's development policy as a central task. “We need young people, their creativity, motivation and participation, especially in development policy and international cooperation,” emphasized Hoogvliet. “I am very pleased that many young people here in Baden-Württemberg are actively committed to global justice and equal coexistence.”

We look forward to experiencing an exciting and eventful project year together with the project sponsors and are excited to see the ideas come to life!

You can find more information about the individual projects here.

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Partnership work – a question of perspective!

Participants of the workshop

Communication as a success factor for practice

The first of this year’s Mindchangers Capacity Buildings “Partnership Work – A Question of Perspective!” took place on January 26.01.2023th, XNUMX. Communication as a success factor for the practice” with Dr. Kidist Hailu, specialist promoter for local partnerships in Baden-Württemberg. Through practical and interactive approaches, the partnership work was viewed from different points of view and incorporating the experiences of the participants. The impulses and food for thought of the workshop enable those involved to successfully design partnership work.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda call for multi-stakeholder partnerships to address common challenges through joint efforts. The 2030 Agenda recognizes that the 17 Goals will only be achieved with strong partnerships and collaborations, which is why Goal 17 “Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” covers all individual goals as an umbrella. A successful development agenda therefore requires inclusive partnerships based on principles and values ​​and a shared vision that focuses on the well-being of people and the planet.

Partnerships are diverse and are concluded, for example, between municipalities and NGOs, new and established actors or even in countries of the so-called global south. In order for partnership work to be successful at global, regional, national and local levels, careful interpersonal communication is crucial. The perspective from which communication takes place must be reflected and questioned so that partnership-based action can develop its greatest possible potential.

This workshop was the first part of our capacity building series, which aims to provide cities, municipalities and civil society organizations with tools to actively involve young people in projects and initiatives and to get them excited about their own activities. The next workshops will be announced promptly on the SEZ website.

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Youth Forum for Global Justice

Together for global justice: All participants at the Youth Forum 2022 (Image: Fairtrade/Jeanette Petri).

Young people for a fairer world: At the Youth Forum 2022 in Europa-Park, students, young people and teachers shared their ideas for engagement on climate change and migration.

This year, the EU campaign Mindchangers, Fairtrade Germany and the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) invited a total of 160 participants to the Youth Forum 2022 in Europa-Park in Rust. Of the over 140 Fairtrade Schools in Baden-Württemberg, 14 schools came with their students and teachers to celebrate their commitment to fair trade, climate change and global justice.

13 experts from this year's Mindchangers projects as well as an expert on the topic of future fashion designed 6 different workshops on the areas of climate change, migration and global justice for the students and implemented them on site. At the same time, a teacher exchange took place in which, among others, the SEZ BW-Burundi team presented the numerous opportunities for school partnerships and engagement together with the Baden-Württemberg partner country Burundi.

Sandra Boser, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Lukas Scheub, consultant to the management of Europa-Park, Nicole Kimmel, consultant in the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, and Philipp Keil, Managing Director of the SEZ, underlined the importance of young people during the welcome talk Commitment to politics and society. Hosnijah Mehr, poetry slam artist in the association i,Slam e.V., supported the students with her artistic input as well as in the final discussion with Mona Anderes (Fridays For Future activist) and Navika Deol (moderator of the Youth Forum 2022 and politically active person). locally inspired and empowered. At the end of the Youth Forum 2022 and as a thank you to the students and also the teachers of the Fairtrade Schools, Europa-Park invited all participants to the amusement park to end the day.

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Raquel Dischinger

Project coordination Future Fashion, Fairtrade Schools & Fair Trade Fair


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Mindchangers – apply for funding now!

Climate justice, migration and young engagement - these are the topics of Mindchangers. Applications for funding can now be submitted!

Still until September 15, 2022 Non-profit organizations, cities and municipalities can submit applications for Mindchangers funding for the 2023 project year. Project ideas can be funded with up to 40.000 euros. Anyone interested should definitely attend one of the technical seminars 28. or July 29, 2022 Register, where everything about the Mindchangers application and project implementation is explained.

The Europe-wide Mindchangers campaign is about empowering young people to engage on the topics of climate justice, migration and the 2030 Agenda. The aim of Mindchangers is to shed light on these topics from new perspectives. The focus is always on the engagement of young people, the visualization of new perspectives and the expansion of skills relating to diversity. In this way, the population of Baden-Württemberg can support issues of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development be sensitized. Mindchangers This also enables a critical examination of old concepts such as development, creates space for the discussion of current global inequalities and offers a platform for the renegotiation of sustainable and fair global partnerships.

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation and the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry work closely with the partner regions Piedmont, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, La Rioja, Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles and Dolj County for Mindchangers. Mindchangers is funded by the EU program for development education and public relations (DEAR – Development Education and Awareness Raising).


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