
Working better together in four languages

In June 2024, the new edition of the brochure "Reflecting on North-South Partnerships - a Questionnaire" was published. The translation into French, English and Spanish is now finally available.

Those who ask questions change the world - that was the idea behind creating a catalogue of key questions with which one can "reflect on partnerships". The cooperation between associations, partnership groups and people in the North and South changes the world. How you work together is just as important as what is done and with what goal. We are very pleased to present you with the new edition of our material. It was created with the knowledge of specialist promoters from all over Germany who work on international cooperation and was finally published in three other languages ​​in December 2024. The catalogue of questions is intended to serve as a tool for those active in North-South cooperation and to support them in continuously reflecting on their work, thinking about new solutions or initiating change processes. Actively dealing with the questions should strengthen and further develop their cooperation. Because only through continuous reflection and open dialogue can sustainable partnerships be achieved.

The questionnaire looks at familiar topics, current debates and potential areas of tension that have so far received little attention in the North-South partnership. From dealing with decolonization and power-critical perspectives to justice in global partnerships - insights into topics that enrich and further develop partnership work. We ask old and new questions and are excited to hear your answers or new questions!

Partnerships are diverse, lively and changing. This list of questions is therefore designed to be used flexibly. From basic structures to specific situations, it offers suggestions for discussions and reflections.

Follow the button and find the latest editions of the questionnaire “Reflecting on North-South Partnerships”.

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2nd Africa Forum #RewritingTheNarrative

In a lively discussion with Grace Alele, Contimi Kenfack Mouafo, Mervdy Nkangu, Faisal Osman and moderator Jenny Mushegera (from left to right), the diversity of young people’s commitment became visible ©CamiloAmayaPhotographer

On October 26, 2024, the 2nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg became the centerpiece of the Ludwigsburg Africa Days. Under the motto #RewritingTheNarrative - Shaping the future together, the meeting was dedicated to young voices and new narratives from the Afrodiaspora. A day that broadened perspectives, created inspiration and paved the way to a sustainable future together.

Continuation of a Vision: The 2nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg
After the successful start of the first Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg 2022 under the motto #ChangingTheNarrative The 2nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg sent a strong signal on October 26, 2024 in Ludwigsburg: #RewritingTheNarrative was the focus and addressed the reorientation of narratives about Africa and the path to a fairer and more sustainable future. This year's focus was on the active role of the Afro-diasporic community and its contribution to key future issues.

In the spotlight: Contimi Kenfack Mouafo – Germany's Student of the Year 2024
Contimi Kenfack Mouafo, founder of 3 E's 4 Africa eV, the event. His message: young people and local engagement are central elements for forward-looking cooperation between the diaspora and global actors. His words set the tone for a forum that celebrated innovative ideas and the power of joint efforts.

strengthening political participation
A central concern of the forum was the promotion of political participation. The Pan-African Council of Baden-Württemberg, founded this year, played a key role in this. Silvia Holzhäuer-Ruprecht and Dr. David Tchakoura presented the council and its vision:

“There can be no discussion about Africa without including Africa itself.”

Representatives Njeri Kinyanjui, Nzimbu Cathy Mpanu-Mpanu-Plato and Vera Sompon shared their personal stories and motivations that led them into politics. Their perspectives highlighted the diversity of reasons for political engagement:

“For me it’s about democracy and equal living conditions for all.” (Njeri Kinyanjui)

“My office gives me power – it’s a nice feeling to be able to have a say.” (Vera Sompon)

They also gave valuable tips for entering politics, including: getting informed, starting locally, looking for like-minded people (Cathy Plato); finding mentors and staying open to learning processes (Vera Sompon).

A Bridge Between Generations
The platform dedicated to young voices was particularly impressive. In a lively discussion with Grace Alele, Contimi Kenfack Mouafo, Mervdy Nkangu, Faisal Osman and moderator Jenny Mushegera, the diversity and potential of local engagement became apparent.

The younger generation expressed clear wishes for intergenerational cooperation:

“I hope that there will continue to be open spaces and platforms for our engagement.” (Grace Alele)

“I hope for trust and the exchange of experiences and contacts.” (Faisal Osman)

“We need acceptance for new paths and perspectives.” (Contimi Kenfack Mouafo)

“I hope that people who are not part of the discussion will also be taken into account.” (Mervdy Nkangu)

She thanked those who had pioneered this work and opened doors and built networks, with the hope that this work will continue and be shared.

A day full of inspiration, workshops and enjoyment
In addition to inspiring lectures and discussions, the forum offered practical workshops on topics such as technology transfer, cultural identity and political participation. Special thanks go to all the initiators and participants who enriched the event with their contributions.

Musically, 17-year-old violinist Calia Noémia Celestino Rádio enchanted the audience with a multifaceted repertoire from classical to pop, creating an emotional highlight of an eventful day.

Finally: An impulse that remains
Like the moving sounds of My Way and lift me up, which Calia Noémia Celestino Rádio brought to life on this day, the 2nd Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg also stands for the courage to go one's own way and at the same time to inspire and support others.

It reminded us that everyone has the power to rewrite history, build bridges and create a fairer future – in their own way, at their own pace and, above all, in community.

If you would like to become part of the Africa Forum network, contact us or take part in the next events.



Strategy Partnerships & Africa Forum


Management & Communications Officer


Change of perspective - images of Africa reflected in the generations

Participants of the network meeting at Fair Trade: In conversation about images of Africa as reflected in the generations (© Cengiz Akaygün)

On April 06, 2024, 50 voices from the Afrodiaspora in Baden-Württemberg and interested parties met at the Fair Trade trade fair for the Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg network meeting to talk about images of Africa as reflected in the generations.

Established and young voices from the Afrodiaspora shared their personal experiences and encounters with images of Africa and the stereotypical representation of the continent in Baden-Württemberg in living room discussions during the network meeting. 

Moderated by Faisal Osman (Black Community Foundation Stuttgart eV), there were two rounds of discussions:

In the first conversation, Grace Alele from SIMAMA – STAND UP eV and Eric Kamguia from Awoli eV exchanged their personal experiences with images of Africa. In the second round Naemi Mirene Makiadi from Afrokids International eV and the ReCollect Collective and Komlan Batema from KAMA MBOWOU eV talked about the diversity and complexity of the African continent. In both conversations, the speakers took the listeners on an intergenerational journey into the past, present and future.

Musically, the artist has Akeva! Malayika framed the event with their songs.

Thanks to all participants and supporters!

Become part of the network

Would you like to work with the Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg network to promote more exchange between actors in Afrodiasporic civil society and representatives from state politics, foundations, municipal representations and administration?

As part of the network, you strengthen the partnerships and the participation of those involved in global issues and actively contribute to rethinking the image of Africa in Baden-Württemberg.

We look forward to new faces and your interest in the Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg network and cordially invite you to become part of the network. Attend one of the events in the network or contact us if you would like to be included in our mailing list.



Strategy Partnerships & Africa Forum


Management & Communications Officer


Insights into the first Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg

Organizers of the Africa Forum at the end of the successful conference day (Photo: SEZ/ Sabine Hebbelmann)

The first Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg took place on October 27, 2022.

Changing the narrative together. Redesign partnerships together.

The same images with the same stories: common images of Africa are rightly criticized. Because: Unfortunately, the African continent is often only reported in stereotypes that largely use colonial image patterns.

The story of a benevolent Europe lending a helping hand to a supposedly backward Africa is still often told. It’s high time to change this narrative! Specifically also with regard to the questions: Who makes development policy in Baden-Württemberg? How is the African continent seen in Baden-Württemberg?

Cooperation with Africa is becoming increasingly important.

The expertise and partnerships to shape this collaboration already exist in Baden-Württemberg. With the 1st Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg For the first time, there was a large stage and the opportunity to redesign collaborations.

The African diaspora plays an important and so far little present role in civil commitment to partnerships with Africa. To shed light on this aspect of cooperation, over 27 people gathered in the Filderhalle in Leinfelden-Echterdingen on October 350th. Another 100 participants from seven different African countries joined in online. The Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) and the Forum of Cultures invited the event together with eleven Afrodiaspora organizations that are committed to global sustainability issues and fair partnerships.

Afrodiaspora expertise

Under the motto “Changing the Narrative”, the concentrated development policy expertise of civil society activists, in particular Afrodiasporic organizations and representatives of federal and state politics, came together. They discussed what new directions, approaches, ideas and values ​​global partnerships of the future need and set topics for new narratives.

Dr. Rachid L’Aoufir, Chairman of the African-German Working Group and Transnational Corridors e.V., emphasized: “The Africa Forum activates the potential of African-German civil society. Trust is built between stakeholders. We now need to monetize the knowledge of diaspora actors, strengthen diaspora intermediaries and we need to reach the local level. This is where the sustainability of the diaspora actors’ actions comes into play. The Africa Forum must be institutionalized.”

We can only agree with this, thank everyone who took part and look forward to the next, second Africa Forum Baden-Württemberg. Until then!


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