
Christmas fundraiser 2024

Join the SEZ Christmas fundraiser!

This year we are celebrating the anniversary of the partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg. With our Christmas fundraising campaign and your donation, we want to promote commitment in Burundi at the end of our anniversary year:

The association Burundi und Wir eV is part of the Burundian diaspora and, together with the Burundian initiative ADDESI, supports small farmers and their families in Burundi. Through access to education and microfinance, women in rural areas provide for their families and shape their community. This year's Christmas donation strengthens women, gives hope and promotes sustainable agriculture.

We would be delighted if you would become part of the AMAHORO! State partnership between Baden-Württemberg and Burundi. We will of course issue you with a donation receipt for your generous support - if you wish, even for donations under €300. As a thank you, we would be happy to present you here by name as a project sponsor.

Take part in this year’s SEZ Christmas fundraising campaign and join us in supporting women in rural areas of Burundi.

Bank details for donations

Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ)

IBAN: DE26 6005 0101 0001 3612 74


Purpose: Jubilaeum24

Thank you!

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Christmas fundraiser 2023

Join the SEZ Christmas fundraiser!

Next year we will celebrate the anniversary of the partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg. We are therefore particularly committed to promoting them. After all, long-term projects and friendships are the basis of the BW-Burundi partnership. One of these is the health center in Mutumba, which has been committed to providing comprehensive medical care for the local population since 1963.

Based on the Kirundian proverb Abāntu n'íbīntu ní magiríranire We would therefore like to ask you this year for your support for the health center in Mutumba. With your donation you support our partner organization in making a sustainable contribution to the well-being of mothers, children and people in need in Mutumba. Because as Burundian wisdom says, everyone makes a contribution to the whole.

We would be delighted if you would also become part of the partnership and take part in this year's SEZ Christmas fundraising campaign.

Join us in supporting the health center in Mutumba in eastern Burundi and, if you wish, be named as a sponsor on our website. Below you can find more information about the project.

Your donation supports the health center in ensuring medical care in Mutumba and thus making a lasting contribution to the well-being of mothers, children and people in need in Mutumba.

The donations go directly to our project partners without deducting administrative costs. Please provide your address for a donation receipt. Thank you!

Bank details for donations

Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ)

IBAN: DE26 6005 0101 0001 3612 74 BIC: SOLADEST600




Partnership projects for development cooperation in Burundi are supported by non-profit project sponsors from Baden-Württemberg and Burundi. It is important that these are projects that were created on the initiative of the partners. These projects are intended to strengthen the commitment, partnerships and networking of actors in Baden-Württemberg and Burundi and between both countries.

beffects! Burundi is part of the funding program beffekt! the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation from state funds approved by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament for development cooperation projects at home and abroad as well as in the partner country Burundi. With the resources available! Burundi supports projects that serve food security, support income-generating measures or contribute to peacebuilding. The maximum funding amount is 20.000 euros, and the duration of the projects is limited to 12 months.

The application deadline for b is effective! Burundi ends on July 28, 2023 at 16:00 p.m. CEST. An independent expert committee decides on the project commitments. More information can be found here.

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Tender for funding works! inland

works! inland

Organizations in Baden-Württemberg can apply for funding for development-related educational work in Germany from the program until May 19, 2023! Place domestically.

On the basis of and in order to promote the implementation of the goals of the development policy guidelines for Baden-Württemberg, Baden-Württemberg organizations should be supported in their development policy project work in Baden-Württemberg.

In this sense, nationwide initiatives are called upon to apply for state funding for broad-based activities and measures in the following fields:


  • Information and educational work to raise awareness of development policy in Baden-Württemberg.
  • Networking of development policy actors, especially to integrate the commitment of migrants and diaspora communities.
  • Global learning and studying, in particular the social anchoring of education for sustainable development through project work in this context or within the framework of intercultural dialogue or cultural exchange.
  • Sustainable consumption, responsible procurement, fair trade and the development responsibility of companies. Partnership relationships with people in the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America: especially by conveying a modern, non-clichéd image of the so-called Global South.

works! Domestic is part of the funding program beffekt! the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation from state funds approved by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament for development cooperation projects at home and abroad as well as in the partner country Burundi. With the resources available! Domestic projects for development policy education work in Baden-Württemberg are funded. The maximum funding amount is 20.000 euros and the duration of the projects is limited to twelve months.

The application deadline for b is effective! Domestic ends May 19, 2023 at 16:00 p.m. CEST. An independent expert committee decides on the project commitments. More information can be found here.

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Project coordination Mindchangers & bworks! inland


Mindchangers – apply for funding now!

Climate justice, migration and young engagement - these are the topics of Mindchangers. Applications for funding can now be submitted!

Still until September 15, 2022 Non-profit organizations, cities and municipalities can submit applications for Mindchangers funding for the 2023 project year. Project ideas can be funded with up to 40.000 euros. Anyone interested should definitely attend one of the technical seminars 28 or July 29, 2022 Register, where everything about the Mindchangers application and project implementation is explained.

The Europe-wide Mindchangers campaign is about empowering young people to engage on the topics of climate justice, migration and the 2030 Agenda. The aim of Mindchangers is to shed light on these topics from new perspectives. The focus is always on the engagement of young people, the visualization of new perspectives and the expansion of skills relating to diversity. In this way, the population of Baden-Württemberg can support issues of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development be sensitized. Mindchangers This also enables a critical examination of old concepts such as development, creates space for the discussion of current global inequalities and offers a platform for the renegotiation of sustainable and fair global partnerships.

The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation and the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry work closely with the partner regions Piedmont, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, La Rioja, Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles and Dolj County for Mindchangers. Mindchangers is funded by the EU program for development education and public relations (DEAR – Development Education and Awareness Raising).


Project coordination Mindchangers & bworks! inland


Tender for funding works! Abroad starts on June 2nd

The connecting lines that finance partnership projects with funding from the state of Baden-Württemberg are drawn internationally.

Works for the funding program! Foreign countries of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg, applications can be submitted online via our application portal between June 2nd and July 28th, 2023.

works! is the SEZ's funding program and is financed with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg. With beffects!Abroad Development cooperation projects abroad can be funded. Specifically, this is about the development of sustainable partnerships between Baden-Württemberg initiatives and institutions and their partners in the Global South. The basis for this is a genuine interest in the partners and an interculturally sensitive relationship. In contrast to a sponsorship, the partnership pursues a common goal: in partnership projects that follow the principle of “helping people to help themselves”, the focus is on mutual profit and benefit. All information about the funding line beffects!Abroad see here. In the current round of beffects!Abroad Organizations from Baden-Württemberg can receive funding up to Application deadline is July 28.07.23, 16 at 00:XNUMX p.m Submit applications.

Application completely online

Since 2021, applying to the SEZ has been even easier. If you would like to apply for project funding at the SEZ, simply register with the new one SEZ application portal and fill out your application completely online. You can save your information at any time and edit it later. About 6-8 weeks after the end of the application period, you will be informed by email and directly in the application portal whether your application was successful. If funding is approved, further areas such as “project funding contract” and “proof of use” will be activated for you.

Our team can answer any questions you may have about SEZ project funding Glossary and our FAQsanswer. If you would like to know which projects have been funded by the SEZ so far, take a look here over. If you have any further questions regarding the application process, we will be happy to advise you. For a personal consultation, please contact your SEZ contact person by email Jerry Biden.

Would you like to receive all announcements about SEZ project funding by email? Then simply register here by email with your organization's contact details for our project funding mailing list.

Your contact person


Project coordination works! Foreign countries & human resources and financial administration


UMUDERI W’I BURUNDI against unemployment

Participants of the vocational training to become seamstresses in the Nyubahiriza Center with their certificates / participants* à la formation professionnelle de couturière au center de Nyubahiriza avec leurs certificats (Photo: SEZ/Burundi Film Center).

En français ci-dessous

With funding from beffekt! Burundi women can train to become seamstresses in Bujumbura.

TW: Sexual violence.

Dressed in self-made kitenge, eleven women* from the Nyubahiriza maternity home (Kirundi for Respect us!) in the Mutakura district of Bujumbura on February 25, 2022 certificates for their achievements in tailoring. The award winners had just completed a year of vocational training in tailoring at the training center Fondation trunk completed. To make the training possible, the Nyubahiriza Center had provided for their travel, living expenses and other basic products that the women often need. With the support of the SEZ through the funding line, it works! Burundi 2020, members of the Nyubahiriza Center learned to sew various clothing items, including uniforms for kindergarten, primary and secondary school students, as well as nurses.

The participants, who came from different provinces of the country, expressed satisfaction with this training, which is beneficial for their future lives. Lydia Iraqoze, a mother of four and an honors graduate, had previously unsuccessfully tried to work as a trader. As she now knows, her talents lie more in tailoring. She shares that the seamstress profession she is going to take up will help her support her four children as her husband works alone and his single salary is not enough to make it through the month. Dorcas Niyonzima from Butaganzwa municipality in Kayanza province in northern Burundi was accommodated in the Nyubahiriza center with her baby, who was still one month old at the time. She says her new job will help her support her child, who is now two and a half years old. A woman who was raped as a teenager says that the job is good for her because she will earn money to support the survival of her twins whose father is unknown. She also promises to pass on her knowledge to other girls in difficult situations.

Verena Stamm, founder of the Fondation Stamm, took the opportunity to thank the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) for funding from beffekt! Thanks to Burundi, which covers the training for the women. In addition, she announced that the seamstresses will be able to work through the partnership with Burundian kids, represented by Philipp Ziser, have received a sales market for their products in Germany. More and more orders are placed for the sewing workshop and the clothes are made there by the project beneficiaries. The first place winners of the sewing courses who passed with distinction were employed in the Fondation Stamm workshop, while the second place winners each received a sewing machine to begin a career as a tailor. The third-place winners received prize money of BFR 100.000.

UMUDERI W'I BURUNDI: Made in Burundi against the color

TW: Sexual violence.

Vêtues de kitenge qu'elles ont confectionné elles-mêmes, onze femmes* du foyer maternel de Nyubahiriza (Kirundi pour Respectez-nous !) in the district of Mutakura in Bujumbura ont reçu le 25 fevrier 2022 des certificats pour leur réussite dans le domaine de la couture. The laureates* took part in a professional training in couture at the center of the formation of the Fondation Stamm. Pour soutenir leur formation, le center Nyubahiriza avait pris en charge leur voyage, leur subsistance et d'autres products de base dont les femmes ont souvent besoin. Have the soutien de la SEZ à travers the line of financement beffective! Burundi 2020, the members of the center Nyubahiriza ont appris à coudre different types of clothing, dont des uniformes pour les élèves de maternelle, de primaire et de secondaire*, ainsi que pour les infirmières*.

Les participants*, Venus de different provinces du pays, are declared satisfied with this formation, which serves a long time for the future. Lydia Iraqoze, mère de quatre enfants et diploma with mention, available auparavant essayé without succès de travailler comme handlin. The main thing is that these talents are located in the couture. Elle fait savoir que le métier de couturière qu'elle va exercer l'aidera à nourrir ses quatre enfants, car son mari travaille seul et son seul salary ne lui permet pas de finir le mois.

Dorcas Niyonzima, originally from the municipality of Butaganzwa, in the province of Kayanza, in the north of Burundi, has a refuge in the center of Nyubahiriza and has a baby who is not available to her mother. Elle raconte que son new métier l'aidera à nourrir son enfant, qui a aujourd'hui deux ans et demi. A woman with a violet adolescence indique que ce métier lui fait du bien, car il lui permettra de gagner de l'argent pour la survie de ses jumeaux dont le père est inconnu. Elle promet également de transmettre son savoir à d’autres young girls in difficult situations.

Verena Stamm, founder of the Fondation Stamm, a profit from the occasion for remercier to the Fondation for the coopération au développement du Bade-Wurtemberg (SEZ) for the soutien apporté par beffekt! Burundi, which has the formation of women. Out there, it is an advertisement that is part of Burundi Kids, represented by Philipp Ziser, the couturières* ont obtenu un débouché pour leurs produits en Allemagne. Ainsi, de plus en plus de commandes sont passées pour l’atelier de couture et les clothes y sont confectionnés par les bénéficiaires du project. The premiers of the course of couture, which ont réussi avec mention, ont été embauchés dans l’atelier de la Fondation Stamm, tandis que les deuxièmes ont chacun reçu a machine à coudre pour commencer a career de couturier*. The three prizes received a prize of 100.000 BFR.

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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi


Tender for funding 2022 works! Burundi

Baden-Württemberg and Burundian organizations can apply for funding from the program until June 06, 2022! Burundi.

Partnership projects for development cooperation in Burundi are supported by non-profit project sponsors from Baden-Württemberg and Burundi. It is important that these are projects that were created on the initiative of the partners. These projects are intended to strengthen the commitment, partnerships and networking of actors in Baden-Württemberg and Burundi and between both countries.

beffects! Burundi is part of the funding program beffekt! the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation from state funds approved by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament for development cooperation projects at home and abroad as well as in the partner country Burundi. With the resources available! Burundi supports projects that serve food security, support income-generating measures or contribute to peacebuilding. The maximum funding amount is 20.000 euros, and the duration of the projects is limited to 12 months.

The application deadline for b is effective! Burundi ends on June 6, 2022 at 16:00 p.m. CEST. An independent expert committee decides on the project commitments. Further information can be found here.


Tenders and dates for project funding in 2022

The SEZ publishes this year's dates for the funding programs beffekt! and Mindchangers.

works! is the SEZ's funding program and is financed with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg. Projects at home and abroad that are characterized by sustainability and partnership are supported. Mindchangers is a European Union project in Baden-Württemberg with a funding program for global change and young commitment.

Expected dates in 2022

  Call for tender Application Deadline
works! inland 04 April 2022 23 Maj 2022
works! Burundi 14 April 2022 June 06, 2022
works! Abroad June 10, 2022 July 18, 2022
Mindchangers July 15, 2022 September 15, 2022

The earliest possible start to the project is around 8-10 weeks after the application deadline. Please note that this Information provided without guarantee are and should serve as orientation. The final deadline can be found in the respective advertisement. We would also be happy to add you to our mailing list so that you will be informed as early as possible about the tenders and the activation in the SEZ application portal. To do this, simply send a short email with the relevant information about your organization


Good afternoon and Amahoro! German courses in Bujumbura

Leila Kateferi, German teacher, presents a certificate to a student. / Leila Kateferi, enseignante au cours d’allemand remettant and certificate à une des étudiantes. (Photo: Center d’Enseignement des Langues Université du Burundi)

En français ci-dessous


Amahoro and good day!

On February 3, 2022, a new round of German courses started at the University of Burundi in Bujumbura. The ceremonial opening was attended by Dieter Reinl, the German ambassador to Burundi, Aline Dusabe, the representative of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) in Burundi, Dr. Ing. Sanctus Niragira, the Rector of the University of Burundi, Dr. Aloys Misago, coordinator of the German course, as well as other representatives of the program's partner organizations and institutions and the German learners took part. In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Gélase Nimbona, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, recalled the early beginnings of the German course program and particularly praised the achievements of the last five years. Ambassador Reinl welcomed in Kirundian and emphasized the importance of language learning in both directions. Dieter Reinl sees the German Center under construction, which is a partnership project of German-Burundian relations, as a place of exchange, especially since languages ​​form the basis of every human encounter. The tour of the German Center being built was part of the program on the opening day. The center will provide space for German learners; There is a café, a library, a room for events and, above all, rooms for the German course program. This project is the result of a long collaboration with various actors who care about German-Burundian relations.

A translation app that is currently being developed was also presented at the celebrations. It is the result of a collaboration between students on the German course and Germans living in Burundi. Once available, the app will not only help students of both languages ​​with word translation, but also provide information about Burundi and Germany. Because – it was clear to everyone that evening: learning a new language is much more than just practicing vocabulary and grammar. You also learn a lot about other countries, art and culture and can meet people on a personal level. And since we're talking about art and culture: The opening ceremony was enriched by diverse contributions such as dances, songs and sketches in German from the students. At the end, the students who had already successfully completed German courses at the University of Burundi received their certificates.

German courses have been offered at the University of Burundi in Bujumbura since 2017 and are becoming increasingly popular. There are currently 1208 people enrolled in the German learning program. The German courses at the Université du Burundi are run by the SEZ works! Burundi Funding line supported. If you don't want to miss any more news about the partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg, you can subscribe to our newsletter here:

Hello to Bujumbura – Cours d'allemand to the University of Burundi


Amahoro et good day!

The 3rd of February 2022, a new session of the course d'allemand a débuté at the University of Burundi in Bujumbura. Dieter Reinl, ambassador for Burundi, Aline Dusabe, representative of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) in Burundi, Dr. Ing. Sanctus Niragira, rector of the University of Burundi, Dr. Aloys Misago, coordinateur des cours d'allemand, ainsi que d'autres représentants*tes des organizations et institutions partenaires du program et les apprenants d'allemand ont participé à la cérémonie d'ouverture. Dans son allocution de bienvenue, le Dr. Gélase Nimbona, doyen de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, a rappelé les premiers débuts du program de cours d'allemand et a particulièrement loué les réalisations des cinq dernières années. L'ambassadeur Reinl a souhaité la bienvenue en kirundi et a souligné l'importance de l'apprentissage des langues dans les deux sens. Dieter Reinl was responsible for the center of construction in construction, which is a project for the German-Burundais relationship, in the context of change, in addition to the languages ​​that are part of the base of the human race. The visit of the Center d’allemand en construction faisait partie du program de la journée d’inauguration. Le center accueillera des apprentices d’allemand ; There is a café, a library, a room for the events and the location of the program for the course of the Allemand. The project is the result of a long-term collaboration with different actors*trices that are close to the German-Burundian relations.

An application de traduction en cours de développement a également été présentée lors des festivités. Elle is the fruit d'une collaboration between les étudiants du cours d'allemand and les Allemands résidant au Burundi. Dès que l'application sera disponible, elle aidera les étudiants des deux langues non seulement à traduire des mots, mais fournira également des informations sur le Burundi et l'Allemagne. Car – all the world in the world is conscientious about the language: learn a new language, it's good and it's easy to practice vocabulary and grammar. On apprend aussi beaucoup sur d’autres pays, l’art et la culture et on peut se rencontrer humainement. Et puisqu'on parle d'art et de culture: the cérémonie d'ouverture a été enrichie par des contributions aux multiples facettes telles que des danses, des chansons et des sketches en anglais des apprentices*tes. Pour finir, les apprenants*tes qui ont déjà terminé avec succès des cours d’allemand à l’Université du Burundi ont reçu leurs certificates.

Depuis 2017 déjà, des cours d'allemand sont proposés à l'Université du Burundi à Bujumbura et sont de plus en plus populaires. Currently, 1208 people have written instructions on the language training program from level A1 to level C1. Les cours d’allemand à l’Université du Burundi sont soutenus par la SEZ à travers the line of financement works! Burundi. If you don't want to miss out on the new partnership between Burundi and Bade-Wurtemberg, you can subscribe to our newsletter:

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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi

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