#CreatingChangeBW – Young impulses for politics

At the state development policy conference with the Mindchangers Summit on April 23, 2022, young people will give new impetus to politics.

At the Development Policy State Conference x Mindchangers Summit (the x stands for "meets") people interested and committed to development policy meet politicians and representatives of the Baden-Württemberg state government for a day as part of the World:Citizens in demand dialogue! In 2022, the focus of the annual development policy state conference will be on young engagement, which is why the Mindchangers Summit will take place at the same time. The event is about putting young people's issues on the development policy agenda, discussing them with politicians and networking with like-minded people. The stage is made by young people for young people and, with fresh formats such as Market of Opportunities, World Cafe and Fish Bowl, offers the opportunity to give new impetus to development policy. Everyone can bring openness, questions and ideas about development policy areas on topics such as global responsibility, climate justice, young engagement and much more.

Date and Location
April 23, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 15:00 p.m
Messe Stuttgart

The current program, the flyer and information about registration can be found here:

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