****En français ci-dessous****
A meaningful trip: After nine years, a delegation from Baden-Württemberg led by State Secretary Rudi Hoogvliet is traveling to Burundi. From June 26.06.2023, 02.07.2023 to July XNUMX, XNUMX, this trip will open a new chapter in the partnership between the two regions.
The state government is thus accepting an invitation from the Burundian government to deepen the partnership. Together with State Secretary Hoogvliet, representatives from the state parliament, business, science, civil society, cities, municipalities, schools and universities will embark on this trip.
The managing director of the SEZ, Philipp Keil, also takes part in this delegation. The SEZ has been looking after civil society connections for many years. Even in difficult times, she maintained the partnership relationships with the people of Burundi and continuously expanded the network.
Voyage d'une delegation to Burundi
A voyage riche de sens: Après September, a delegation from Bade-Wurtemberg was sent to Burundi by the secretary of the budget, Rudi Hoogvliet. From June 26.06.2023th, 02.07.2023 to July XNUMXnd, XNUMX, the trip was a new chapter in the partenariat between the two regions.
The government of the country responds to an invitation from the government of Burundais to approve the partenariat. Avec le secrétaire d'Etat Hoogvliet, des representatives du parlement du Land, de l'économie, de la science, de la société civile, des villes, des communes, des écoles et des universités feront ce voyage.
The executive director of the SEZ, Philipp Keil, took part in this delegation. Depuis de names années, SEZ s’occupe des liens avec la société civile. Même dans les difficiles periods, elle a maintenu les relations de partenariat with les habitants du Burundi et a continuedlement élargi son réseau.
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Partnership work by AMAHORO! Country partnership between BW & Burundi