The Burundi Photo Campaign has started!

The Burundi Photo campaign was very popular at the BW-Burundi conference. (From left to right) Astère Hatungimana, Burundian Diaspora in Germany e.V., Anna Leicht and Nadine Elghonimy, SEZ (Photo: WeltPartner eG).

En français ci-dessous.

With the Burundi photo campaign, WeltPartner eG would like to plant up to 2023 trees in Burundi in 50.000, increase the self-sufficiency of small farming families and strengthen their fair trade coffee sales!

Because with every photo taken, four trees in Burundi are financed. The photo campaign is part of the agroforestry project. The agroforestry project has been funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg since 2018 and was extended in December 2022. A significant contribution to the food security of families of small farmers was already made in the project phases from 2018 to 2020 and 2020 to 2022. The agroforestry project supports the transformation of coffee fields, which are often still monocultures, into a diversified ecological system in which (fire)wood, food and coffee are grown. Around 10.000 small farmers from 18 cooperatives will benefit from the project. In addition, this program is scientifically supported by the Rottenburg University of Forestry and the University of Burundi.

The organizations involved are:

  • WorldPartner eG
  • Naturland
  • the Burundian cooperative COCOCA
  • Rottenburg University of Forestry
  • University of Burundi

The campaign photo for Burundi is launched!

  • Avec la campaign photo Burundi, WeltPartner eG souhaite planter jusqu'à 50.000 arbres au Burundi en 2023, augmenter l'autosuffisance des families de petits agriculteurs et renforcer leurs ventes de café issu du commerce équitable!

In effect, this photo prize permet de financer quatre arbres au Burundi. The campaign of photos is part of the agroforestry project. Depuis 2018, the project of agroforestry is based on the Land of Bade-Wurtemberg and is extended to December 2022. The phases of the project from 2018 to 2020 and from 2020 to 2022 are now permis d'apporter une essentiale à la sécurité alimentaire des families de petits paysans. The agroforestry project is based on the transformation of the champs de café, which is now in the hands of monocultures, and a diversified ecological system in the same crops of wood (de feu), des denrées alimentaires et du café. Environ 10.000 petits paysans issus de 18 coopératives bénéficieront de ce project. Plus, this program is scientifically accompaniment to the Rottenburg University of Forestry and the University of Burundi.

The organizational participants are:

  • WorldPartner eG
  • Naturland
  • la coopérative burundaise COCOCA
  • Rottenburg University of Forestry
  • University of Burundi

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