The Fair Trade trade fair is open

The Fair Trade trade fair officially opened on Thursday, April 5, 2018.

In the welcome talk, State Secretary Theresa Schopper exchanged ideas with Philipp Keil (SEZ), Roland Bleinroth (Messe Stuttgart) and moderator Joyce M. Muvunyi about ten years of fair trade success stories at Messe Stuttgart. “Through its spectrum, a trade fair format like Fair Trade offers visitors numerous opportunities to find out about fair trade and sustainable consumption. “It is particularly pleasing that sustainable textiles are being presented as a new trade fair area with the “Future Fashion” initiative,” said State Secretary Theresa Schopper, who is responsible for development cooperation within the state government. “Since the trade fair appeals equally to the specialist audience and the end consumer, the idea of ​​conscious and fair consumption can be made concretely clear to many different actors. The Fair Trade trade fair is increasingly becoming a visitor magnet thanks to its varied offerings.”

The welcoming speech was given by Ulrich Commercon MdL, Minister for Education and Culture of Saarland. The keynote speech came from Kenyan economic expert James Shikwati. The official starting signal was then given by Norbert Barthle, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Until Sunday, April 8, 2018, the Fair Trade fair shows that the consumption of fairly traded products has a positive influence on the lives of many people worldwide and what everyone can do for a fairer world.

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