Participants of the state development policy conference in 2019 at the Stuttgart trade fair.
At the annual state development policy conference, committed citizens can help shape Baden-Württemberg's development policy.
Registration for the virtual development policy state conference on September 17, 2021 is now possible. At the annual conference on current development policy issues and new perspectives on global responsibility, committed people have the opportunity to discuss with representatives of the state government and thus put new impetus on the agenda. In open and inclusive discussion groups there is the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other - no special prior knowledge is necessary, because everyone can contribute to the development policy state conference.
By participating in the 2021 State Development Policy Conference, you are participating in the search for solutions for global responsibility in Baden-Württemberg and the establishment of equal partnerships. You can present your own content directly at your own free stand on the FAIRchange virtual market and thus exchange ideas and network directly with others. Further information about the 2021 Development Policy State Conference and the program and workshops can be downloaded Register.