Hey AI, how does consumer protection work? Opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence

“Hey AI, how does consumer protection work?”
Opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence

Under this motto, the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection of Baden-Württemberg is organizing the

Consumer Day Baden-Württemberg 2024 on October 23, 2024 in Stuttgart.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a driving force for innovation, digitalization and research - development in this area is rapid. This brings with it great opportunities but also risks for consumers. AI is changing the market and the way we live together. Such changes trigger fear and uncertainty among many consumers. The lack of traceability and transparency of AI applications can create feelings of being at the mercy of others. This leads to many questions that people would like to have answers to.
How do artificial intelligence and consumer protection work together? How can AI be used to advantage and what risks should consumers be informed about?
First-hand information is available at our Baden-Württemberg Consumer Day 2024: in exciting lectures and a panel discussion with, among others, Mr. Peter Hauk MdL, Minister for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection, Ms. Helga Springeneer (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection) and Ms. Hendrike Brenninkmeyer from SWR Marktcheck.
A market of opportunities also offers the chance to see the application areas of artificial intelligence up close and to talk to the developers. Start with a visit to the market of opportunities with coffee and cake and end the evening with a shared snack from 18:30 p.m.

When? October 23, 2024, 15:30 p.m. – 19:30 p.m.
Where? Lecture hall of the Neue Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 30 – 32, 70173 Stuttgart

You can now register at www.verbraucherportal-bw.de.

Secure your date today – we will send you the detailed program shortly!

Online event “AI for Sustainability: Sustainable business with AI?!”

More efficient, more networked, more sustainable - artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new and innovative perspectives for a different kind of economy. For example, AI can be used to identify negative environmental impacts of production at an early stage, optimize the circular economy, improve operational processes and reduce resource use and GHG emissions in the supply chain. The event will examine the synergies between AI and a sustainable orientation of the economy: What potential and opportunities does AI have for sustainable development? What specific application possibilities does AI offer as an instrument for sustainable economics? What challenges, risks and limitations are there? And what trends and developments can be expected in the future?

We will discuss these and other questions together with the following speakers:

>> Future Centre South
>> Julius Schäufele – Concular GmbH​​​​​​​

In addition to exciting inputs and insights into practice, there will be space for exchange and networking at an informal conclusion from 17 p.m.

G-PAD 2024

The 7th Global Partnership for African Development Forum will take place on October 09, 2024 as part of the hy-fcell trade fair in Stuttgart. This year's theme is "Unlocking Africa's Renewable Energy Potential" and focuses on the African continent in the context of renewable energy. Look forward to panel discussions, diverse networking opportunities and top-class speakers.

About the event: https://myleadafrica.org/GPAD2024/

4th Africa Economic Summit

Our neighboring continent, Africa, is still massively underestimated economically. Although around 1,3 billion people live here in 54 very different countries, less than 2% of Baden-Württemberg's exports go to Africa. At the same time, the African middle class, which is keen to consume and innovate, is growing ever larger. By 2050, a quarter of the world's population is expected to come from Africa. Africa's geopolitical importance is increasing.

If you plan to diversify your trading partners and supply chains, consider the African private sector!

Find out more on the 4th Africa Economic Summit on 2 October 2024 in Stuttgart about the business opportunities in Africa based on selected sectors such as digitalization, greentech and renewable energies and immerse yourself in the fascinating regions of our partner continent. Experts from Germany and Africa are available to exchange information and experiences.

Register at: 4th Africa Economic Summit

Biogas, solar and wind power: Sustainable energy production in sub-Saharan Africa: Development policy lunch talk

More than 40% of the population in Africa still does not have access to electricity. States and societies in sub-Saharan Africa are faced with the challenge of meeting growing energy needs with sustainable and innovative solutions. At the same time, the renewable energy resources on the African continent are considerable. And its geographical proximity to Europe could also enable Africa to develop into a central player in global trade in sustainable energy.

What sustainable and innovative options for energy production are available in sub-Saharan Africa? Where are the challenges? And what role does Germany and Europe play here? We would like to ask our guests Katrin Pütz, managing director of the social business (B)energy, Jun.-Prof., which operates in Africa, to answer these and other questions. Dr. Philipp Trotter, junior professor for sustainable management at the University of Wuppertal, and Dr. Christoph Hoffmann MP, deputy. Chairman of the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development in the German Bundestag, discuss it - and with you!

With this event, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is making a contribution to making the goals of the 2015 Agenda adopted by the United Nations in 2030, particularly in the area of ​​human rights and the rule of law, better known . It takes place in cooperation between the Baden-Württemberg state office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ).

June 20.06.24, 12, 00:13 p.m. – 15:XNUMX p.m., Restaurant Nesenbach, Stuttgart

Sustainable business – networking meeting for a social-ecological transformation of the economy

What does a sustainable economy look like? In addition to companies, numerous organizations are also dealing with this fundamental question. Against this background, the “Sustainable Economy” network was founded in November 2023 - a network and meeting place for actors in Baden-Württemberg who are helping to shape a social-ecological transformation of the economy and society.

The free event on April 05th serves, on the one hand, to network existing members and, on the other hand, is open to all interested actors from Baden-Württemberg who are concerned with a future-proof economic orientation. In addition to a brief insight into the background and goal of the network, we want to use parallel workshop sessions to find ways in which we can specifically advance the social-ecological restructuring of the economy.

👉🏽 Human rights in global supply chains – What responsibility do we have in Baden-Württemberg?
👉🏽 Acting locally with global responsibility: designing the framework for a good life for everyone and testing social-ecological restructuring
👉🏽 Sustainability reporting as a lever for transformation
👉🏽 Barcamp: Free exchange on participants’ topics


Make sustainable action in business measurable!

Today we measure the success of the economy almost exclusively with gross domestic product. This metric urgently needs an update!

We demand a common good product that measures people's well-being: from health and satisfaction to social cohesion and distributive justice to political co-decision, ecological stability and the quality of education. That's what really counts for a #goodlifeforall.

Together with you, we want to develop a common good product in these four days that makes the common good measurable and comparable.

You are invited to contribute, discuss and flesh out your own ideas. Together we will come up with innovative solutions! At the end, we will discuss the result together with representatives from politics and business.

Start: September 07th, 2023 | End: September 10, 2023 | Location: Participation Center in Gerlingen | Meals for 4 days: from €60

Register at: https://eveeno.com/gwp-camp

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