The “International Human Rights Day” is celebrated on December 10th. It dates back to December 10th, 1948, the day on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted.
It defines rights that are freely available to all people from birth.
With this day of remembrance, the United Nations reminds us that these rights are repeatedly violated around the world – according to human rights activists, the situation has worsened in recent years.
On this occasion, the Gmünder VHS invites you to a reading by Fiston Mwanza Mujila, who was awarded the Literature House Prize this year.
He will read from his award-winning book “Dance of the Devils” and recite poems from “Kasala for my Kaku”.
Jazzy rhythms from Stefan Fetzer on saxophone and Jürgen Fälchle on piano provide the appropriate musical sound.
The conversation with the artist will be moderated by Annette Bühler-Dietrich, Associate Professor for Modern German Literature and Theatre Studies at the University of Stuttgart.
From 2014 to 2018 she taught at the Universite Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso. She researches contemporary Francophone theatre as well as German literature.
A cooperation with the bookstore Schmidt, sponsored by Engagement Global, admission free!
You are warmly welcome!
Please register at or by phone at 07171 / 92515-0
»Colonial times, dictatorship, exploitation, oppression – all of this has combined to form an ominous mixture that allows Mujila to speak in a babble of voices, literally as if in a bar.
The sound is hard and funny at the same time. A great discovery!« Denis Scheck, SWR