Germany's only trade fair on the topic of "Working in Development Cooperation!"
Have you always wanted to know what job opportunities development cooperation has to offer you?
Are you wondering what opportunities there might be for you in development work abroad and in Germany? Would you like to find sustainable jobs with national and international organizations in development cooperation, humanitarian aid or peace work? Would you like to be able to ask critical questions? And would you like to be able to draw on authentic reports from former and active development cooperation experts?
Then the ENGAGEMENT WELTWEIT trade fair is the right place for you!
The trade fair ENGAGEMENT WELTWEIT is taking place again:
Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.
Venue: RHEIN SIEG FORUM, Bachstr. 1 in 53721 Siegburg
ENGAGEMENT WELTWEIT was initiated by AKLHÜ eV - Network and Specialist Office for International Human Resources Cooperation and is the only trade and job fair in Germany on the subject of working in development cooperation. The job fair is aimed in particular at experienced specialists and managers as well as university graduates and career starters who would like to discover their career opportunities in development cooperation. On our job market you can also find some job offers from the organizations that will be presenting themselves at ENGAGEMENT WELTWEIT 2024. Look forward to many NGOs that work with partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America, among others.