

July 11, 2024


19:00 - 21:00

Registration deadline


Department of Caritas Science and Ethics/ University of Freiburg

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P. Dr. Déogratias Maruhukiro

“Trauma in the genes- an incurable diagnosis? On the “heritage” Russian Germans”

International Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “War Peace Reconciliation: The aftermath of wars and violence and the work for peace and reconciliation”

On July 11th, 2024, from 19:00 to 21:00 German Time 

Trauma in the genes – an incurable diagnosis? On the “heritage” of Russian Germans

Christina Pauls MA, Chair of Political Science, Peace and Conflict Research at the University of Augsburg

When wars are over, the wars are not over. Their consequences are manifold, the material and economic ones perhaps the easiest ones to deal with. Physical, psychological, social and spiritual wounds and devastations especially among the military and civil populations continue in manifest and latent ways, also across the generations. They have serious impacts on the whole of societies, political systems, health care and social welfare. War consequences challenge and undermine processes of peace and reconciliation despite the needs and willingness for new beginnings after the war.

In a new, open, international and interdisciplinary series of lectures, experts from different countries and post-war societies as well as different scholarly disciplines and political roles are invited to offer their experiences and insights as well as practice and strategies for coping with, and healing of material, somatic, psychological, social and spiritual wounds of war and violence.

This series is a cooperation of the Girubuntu Peace Academy, an initiative of the Chair of Caritas Studies ( at Freiburg University together with Rapred Girubuntu eV, together with Ackermann-Gemeinde and the Baden-Württemberg – Burundi cooperation's cluster on Peace Building Initiatives and Peace Research.

The Lecture Series will be held exclusively in English

Previous Lectures: 

Dr. Orest Suvalo, Executive Director Institute of Mental Health, Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine:
The impact of the Russian war on the lives and mental health of the Ukrainian people. What can the public health system do about it?

Prof. Dr. Leon Mutesa, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rwanda, Kigali:

Intergenerational transmission of epigenetic effects and PTSD: The case of Rwanda after the genocide against the Tutsis.

Prof. Dr. Spiro Janovic, Ministry of Croatian Veterans, State Secretary:
War trauma and other consequences in veterans and their families after the war in Croatia: What is helpful?

Prof. Dr. Alma Dzubur-Kulenovic, Clinical Center Sarajevo University, Clinic of Psychiatry, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The impact of war experiences on individuals, families and society in Bosnia today. Perspectives of a researcher and practitioner in mental health. (title to be confirmed)

Prof. Dr. Heide Glaesmer, Deputy Chair, Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University Medical Center Leipzig

In the shadow of war – Long-term psychosocial and health sequels of World War II trauma in the German elderly

â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹Prof. Dr. Ari Sitas, Director of the Institute of African Alternatives, Cape Town

Have we Lost our Moral Compass?: The Ethic of Reconciliation in Crisis…


30. Jan

Académie de l'Amitié: Future together

16:30 - 21:30
31. Jan

Network meeting of the UN Ocean Decade Southern Germany: Marine Protection & Flowing Waters

09:30 - 16:00
10. Apr

Coffee from Burundi – Barista from Karlsruhe

19:00 - 21:00

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