Fair. Fairer. Fairest.

This could be the motto for the fourth week of the nationwide My initiative. Your. One. World. the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ).

On Tuesday, September 24th, the action day in Bad Boll is all about the topic of fair trade. Consumers can get information and inspiration and enjoy one or two “tasting things” at the same time.

Two days later, on September 26th, Horb am Neckar will follow up with the “Organic-Regio-Fair Dinner”. Between the four courses there will be speeches on fair trade topics.

On Saturday, September 28th, two exciting events will take place. One of them is in the north of Baden-Württemberg, in Heilbronn. The other is in the very south, in Konstanz on Lake Constance. Under the motto “Konstanz – International” the information and networking event will take place here on this day as part of the Intercultural Week 2019. Visitors can actively participate in discussions on the topic of “living multilingualism” and fortify themselves with international culinary delicacies.

In Heilbronn on Saturday the “Inside Africa Culture Festival” attracts visitors with a colorful program. The various exhibitions, lectures and musical performances continue into the night. If you want, you can also dance there with Congo and Togolese music.

Over 70 events take place in this last week of September. With just a few clicks you can https://sez.de/veranstaltungen Find out what events are happening near you.

Calendar of Events




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