Fairtrade Schools school competition – your rhyme for fairness!

Person on stage, in the background boxes with the letters FAIR!

Instead of power poses for fair trade, the Fairtrade Schools anniversary competition is all about rhymes for fairness © Fairtrade / Carl Schwarz

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, all schools in Baden-Württemberg are invited to the “Rhyme for Fairness” competition and can win great prizes for the whole class!

End the school year with creative writing or rhyme to start the new school year and take part in our competition! Send us your rhyme for fairness and with a bit of luck you will be invited to the finals in the New Castle on September 25th, where there are four great prizes to be won.

With the school competition, we want to celebrate 10 years of Fairtrade Schools in Baden-Württemberg with you and give the stage to your creativity and commitment to fair trade.

FAQs for the Fairtrade Schools competition

For the 10th anniversary of the Fairtrade Schools in Baden-Württemberg, we invite students to present their commitment to fair trade creatively in rhyme form!

Show us how you support fair trade or your visions for the next 10 years of Fairtrade Schools. Put your ideas into rhymes or creative texts, for example for a poetry slam.

We warmly invite all interested schools from Baden-Württemberg to take part in the competition. You apply as an individual class or group from a school. Each class or group can submit a maximum of one submission; multiple submissions are possible per school. Our goal is to motivate as many schools as possible to participate.

1. Write a short Email to Lisathat you would like to participate.

2. Send us your texts (as Word or PDF) and the completed participation form until the 13. September 2024 via email to Lisa.

3. IMPORTANT: remember September 25th as the date for the performance of the finalists and the award ceremony at the New Palace in Stuttgart.

These are the evaluation criteria:

  • Dealing with fair trade or fair trade schools
  • Text in rhyme form or creative writing such as in a poetry slam (it's about the content, not the length, four lines can already be a rhyme 😉 )
  • Creativity
  • Motivation

The texts can be submitted in all languages. Please also submit the translation into German.

1st prize: Chocolate party with Nucao  
2nd prize: Tickets for Europa-Park 
3rd prize: Tickets for Experimenta in Heilbronn
4rd prize: Tickets for the Klima Arena in Sinsheim 

We will also raffle off a chocolate surprise package for the whole class among all submissions – it’s worth taking part 🙂

We invite the best contributions to the performance and subsequent award ceremony on September 25, 2024 into the New Palace in Stuttgart.
We are looking forward to the presence of our patron, Minister of Culture Theresa Schopper, and Claudia Brück, Chair of Fairtrade Germany. Make a note of this date now!

Registration is now open: Contact Lisa at L.CoitEhlers(at)fairtrade-deutschland.de

Until September 13th: Submitting your rhyme and entry form
September 16: The jury will make a pre-selection of who will be invited to the New Palace – save the date!
September 25: Performance of the finalists and award ceremony in the New Palace in Stuttgart

Get it Inspiration from Hosnijah Mehr! Report your campaign on social media and use the hashtag #FairtradeSchoolsBaWü. Under the hashtag #FairtradeSchoolsBaWü you can also see how other schools do it. You can also link us on Instagram @fairtradede, @sez_bw

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We wish you every success!

All data at a glance

The The competition is organized as part of the 10th anniversary of the Fairtrade Schools Steering Committee in BaWü, in which the following institutions participate:  
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, State Ministry, Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), DEAB eV, EPiZ Reutlingen, Center for Development-Related Educational Work of the Evangelical Regional Church of Württemberg, Institute for Religious Education of the Archdiocese of Freiburg

Your contact person

Raquel Dischinger

Project coordination Future Fashion, Fairtrade Schools & Fair Trade Fair

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