The first Future Fashion Show 2024

The first sustainable(er) Future Fashion Show 2024 brought together over 500 people at a large community event and showed that young fashion designers want to shape the future of fashion creatively and sustainably!

On October 12.10.2024, XNUMX, Stuttgart was transformed into a sustainable catwalk where designers, fashion enthusiasts, art and culture enthusiasts, and the club scene came together to celebrate future ideas for the fashion industry.

The community part of the event began at 18 p.m., where visitors could combine, print or upcycle their own clothing or make their own accessories, while receiving inspiration and advice from experts. A workshop offered deeper insights into the question of how "sustainability, fashion and mainstream" fit together and how sustainable labels deal with it. With cool drinks and snacks, the Future Fashion Show offered networking, professional exchange and appreciation for those active in the sustainable fashion movement. And an open door as well as information and educational offers for passing visitors and those newly interested in sustainable fashion.

The main event started at 21 p.m.: the spectacular Future Fashion Show 2024. Young designers from Baden-Württemberg and beyond such as Garbage Couture, Sophia Area, SOKA and Nifrata presented their latest collections and proved that sustainable fashion is innovative, present and trendsetting.

The highlights of the show were presented in voguing style by Stuttgart voguing artists, who got the audience cheering and moving.

The fashion show ended with an after-show party for and with the community, to which the guests brought their most club-worthy second-hand, fair fashion and self-made outfits and celebrated the successful evening in a lively manner. The musical accompaniment turned the catwalk into a dance floor and the event into an experience that will be remembered for a long time.

The Future Fashion Show has proven that there is great support for sustainability in fashion and that many are already actively shaping the decisive change.

This pilot project was only possible thanks to the great voluntary commitment in the preparation, organisation and implementation as well as the financial support of the Future Fashion Community, the Future Fashion Friends and the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg.

Become a part of it!

Here you can find sustainable fashion in Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg:

Contact us and connect with our designers for your personal Christmas piece (email to

Become part of the Future Fashion Friends and make the next fashion show in 2025 possible: Werden

Let us continue to work together and show that change in the fashion and textile industry is possible!

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