Floods in Burundi

You can see many buckets with food and hygiene products

Disbursement of relief supplies supports those affected in Burundi. © Niko Zalac / Nidji Studio

"In Gatumba and neighboring regions alone, over 100.000 people have lost their homes and livelihoods due to the floods."

This is how Ange Muyubira, managing director of Kaz'O'zah in Bujumbura, describes the situation. Due to extreme and prolonged rainfall, Lake Tanganyika has overflowed its banks in many places along the coast and landslides have destroyed roads, fields and houses in large parts of Burundi. According to climate experts, the floods are related to the El Niño weather phenomenon and are a direct result of climate change. Burundi, one of the countries that has contributed the least to climate change, is now bearing the brunt of the consequences. Local aid organizations and neighborhood organizations set up emergency shelters and carry out rescue operations. The SEZ was together with the Stuttgart organization STELP At the beginning of May in Burundi, together with local organizations Fondation Stamm and Kaz'O'zah to support on site. “In this catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, we are happy to be working with an energetic organization like STELP. Now it’s important to listen carefully to the local partners in order to overcome the situation together,” says Philipp Keil, Managing Director of the SEZ.

Our partner organizations in Burundi support the population with food donations and rebuilding livelihoods. The long-term consequences of the flood disaster also need to be addressed.

Support partner projects such as Kaz'O'Zah's project, which supports 100 women in Gatumba with cross-border trade to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

All donations go directly to our project partners without deducting administrative costs. Please provide your address for a donation receipt.

Thank you!

Bank details for donations

Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ)
IBAN: DE26 6005 0101 0001 3612 74

Intended use: Burundi

You can see a church that appears to be in a lake. A person is in a boat in front of it.
In Burundi, over 100.000 people have lost their homes due to the floods. © Niko Zalac / Nidji Studio

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