Group photo of the participants / Photo de famille des participants (SEZ/Liana Kimana).
En français ci-dessous
Stopping prejudice in partnership work and female entrepreneurship: a daily challenge.
Rip, tear, break all these codes,
break all these prejudices,
tear out the word,
if they don't give it to you,
tear the blindfold over your eyes,
bring forth the splendor of your own voice from the silent surroundings!
This was the call that poetry slammer Gretta Karly Ineza threw at the participants of the event on March 11, 2022 in Bujumbura. Women from various organizations that work with the SEZ took part in the event, which was organized by the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) on the sidelines of International Women's Rights Day (March 8). The program items ranged from lectures, a panel discussion, reports from women to the poetic contribution mentioned above. The first presentation by Aline Dusabe, SEZ consultant in Burundi, mentioned the different types of SEZ partnership work with women's organizations. The main presentation was given by Sandrine Gapfasoni, representative of the Association des Guides au Burundi (AGB). She spoke about the work she does to prepare women from an early age for everyday challenges and about the battles for women's rights that have not yet been won. Sandrine also talked about her wish that March 8th should be used as an opportunity to more strongly demand rights that have not yet been won, instead of just celebrating them. These rights include, for example, that a husband can include his wife in his employment insurance, but the reverse case is still refused.
The evening was also enriched by the exchange on a panel discussion with Suwadu Bugoma (Association des Femmes Musulmanes du Burundi, AFEMUBU), Anny-Darlène Ndorimana (RC Retraining), Sandrine Gapfasoni and Aline Dusabe. One of the prejudices identified in the field of entrepreneurship was the fact that in some cases a female entrepreneur is still perceived as a rebel or even a prostitute. Women's lack of self-confidence and self-censorship, the lack of information about options and the lack of funding were also mentioned as further obstacles for women in partnership work. Soline Rubuka, representing the CAFOB (Collectif des Associations et ONGs Féminines au Burundi), reported on the long journey of the fight for the rights that women in Burundi enjoy today, even if the struggle still continues. This includes equal wages for equivalent qualifications and the right of women to collect their own wages.
Another highlight of the event was the information about the various offers from the German Sparkasse Foundation for international cooperation for women's organizations. These include educational offerings in financial education and also the formation of savings groups. At the end of the event, participants, who praised the diversity of talent and offerings represented, had time for networking and asked for another event in the near future.

Sandrine Gapfasoni, Association des Guides du Burundi (SEZ/Liana Kimana).
Stop aux préjugés in the work of the partenariat and the female entrepreneur: DEFI QUOTIDIEN
Déchire, arrache, casse tous ces codes,
breeze tous ces prejugés,
Arrache the parole quand on ne te la donne pas,
déchire ce bandeau sur tes yeux,
Fait surgir du décor silencieux, l’éclat de ta propre voix !
Tel était l'appel lancé par la slameuse de poésie Gretta Karly Ineza aux participants* de l'événement organizé le 11 mars 2022 à Bujumbura. L'événement, organized by the Fondation pour la coopération au développement du Bade-Wurtemberg (SEZ) en margin de la Journée Internationale des droits des femmes (8 mars), a réuni des femmes de different organizations collaborant with la SEZ. The program comprenait des presentations, a panel de discussions, des témoignages de femmes ainsi qu’une performance artistique. The first presentation of Aline Dusabe, representative of the SEZ in Burundi, mentioned the different types of work of the SEZ with female organizations. The main presentation is made by Sandrine Gapfasoni, representative of the Association of Guides in Burundi (AGB). Elle a parlé du travail qu'elles effectiveuent pour bien préparer les femmes dès leur plus jeune âge aux défis quotidiens et des luttes pour les droits des femmes qui ne sont toujours pas gagnées. Sandrine also has the opportunity to celebrate on 8 Mars with the opportunity to revendiquer davantage les droits qui n'ont pas encore été acquis, plutôt que de se contenter de célébrer. Parmi ces droits, il y a par example le fait qu'un mari puiss affilier sa femme à son assurance-emploi, mais que l'inverse soit toujours refusé.
The evening is also enriched by the changes in the discussion panel with Suwadu Bugoma (Association des Femmes Musulmanes du Burundi, AFEMUBU), Anny-Darlène Ndorimana (RC Retraining) and presentations. Parmi les préjugés constatés dans le domaine de l'entrepreneuriat, il y avait le fait que, dans certains cas, a femme entrepreneure est encore perçue aujourd'hui comme une rebelle, voire une prostituée. Le manque de confiance en soi des femmes et leur autocensure, le manque d’informations sur les possibilités et le manque de financement ont également été cités comme des obstacles supplémentaires pour les femmes dans le travail de partenariat. Soline Rubuka, who represents the CAFOB (Collectif des Associations et ONGs Féminines au Burundi), a évoqué le long chemin de la lutte pour les droits dont jouissent aujourd'hui les femmes au Burundi, même si la lutte se poursuit toujours. Il s'agit notamment de l'égalité des salaries pour des diplomames équivalents et du droit des femmes à percevoir elles-mêmes leur salary.
A further point in time for the manifestation of information on the different aspects of the French Foundation for International Women's Organizations. Il s'agit d'offres de formation en éducation financière et également de la creation de groupes d'épargne. À la fin de l'événement, les participants, qui avaient été frappées par la diversité des talents et des offres représentés, ont eu le temps de faire du réseautage et ont demandé qu'un autre événement soit organisé dans un avenir proche.
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