The 2030 Agenda affects everyone, especially the young generation, who will be most affected by the period after 2030. However, it is rarely represented in the discourse. The project “We are the 2030 Agenda! Young Commitment to Sustainability” offers young people, especially those with a migrant background, a space to show their commitment to the SDGs and to network. In addition to raising awareness, young people are activated as “mind changers” with formats such as TedTalks, future workshops, dialogue discussions, campaign videos, etc. At the end there is the platform “We are the 2030 Agenda! We are Agenda Sustainability!” in which young people continue to work. The forum is also continuing to pursue the topic. As multipliers, they reach a broad audience and address the future of the planet.
Year: 2021
The overall goal of the tomato growing project is to be able to send a large number of children to school. The harvest is sold. The money will help pay school fees for poor children from poor families. Poor families who cannot pay school fees for their children. But another part of the money will also help by feeding these children while they are in school.
The main aim of the project is to improve food security and income for the families of “ex-combatantes” through pig production.
Planned measures :
. Breeding and distributing pigs of improved breeds in the households of “Ex-combatantes”,
. Improving the production of small-scale pig farming: pigs, organic fertilizer, meat and income, etc. by providing pigs, pig feed, veterinary products and care,
. Improving the agricultural production of the beneficiaries through the provision of inputs and support,
. Contribution to the self-financing and empowerment of the beneficiary families.
Contribute to improving the living conditions and socio-economic resilience of households whose heads are indiscriminately incarcerated in penal institutions, through the development of profitable income-generating activities.
The main objective of the TWIYUNGE association is to support the strengthening of the independent economic development of women and girls living with a physical disability through the implementation of this project.
This project aims to increase media involvement to increase women's participation in community structures through training, broadcasts/debates on the prominent role of women in consolidating peace, security and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Framework for exchange and dialogue to break through barriers.
The project is primarily aimed at economically strengthening rural fish sellers on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Lake Tanganyika in Kajaga and Gatumba and improving the nutrition of the riparian community through the local processing of fish products in order to secure their access to the lucrative national market by improving the quality and health safety of their products.
The main aim of the project is to create community mechanisms to promote the socio-economic resilience of communities in Nyabihanga. The aim is to enable communities to have stable sources of income and to cover their daily needs through the community solidarity, savings and credit groups (also called SILC groups) that are to be established. These groups simultaneously serve as a framework for exchange, conflict management, mutual support and economic reconstruction.
The main goal of the project is to contribute to the eradication of the practice of cohabitation through raising awareness among rural women and girls and providing legal support to victims of gender-based violence. The ignorance of the law, the lack of economic independence of women, the indifference of local authorities towards such a situation and the low school and literacy rates are the causes of gender-based violence as a result of cohabitation.
The project aims to raise pigs and grow bananas to generate goods and income. The project will allow the orphanages to raise crops and pigs for the children to eat. The surplus will provide a source of income through the sale of pigs and bananas.