Climate justice must be lived

“Each and every one of us must take on more responsibility,” demanded Philipp Keil, Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) at the opening of the 6th Stuttgart Forum for Development.

The theme of the conference was climate justice for all. And State Secretary Gisela Splett from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance emphasized “climate protection and climate justice must be lived”. Anjalina Diana Podder reported on the consequences that climate change has for countries in the global south. “We in Bangladesh are paying the price for climate change,” said the head of the climate department of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of the Bangladesh Bishops’ Conference to the around 550 participants at the 6th Stuttgart Forum for Development.

Here you can find the press release for the event.

Results paper, presentations, lectures, inputs

Anjalina Diana Podder, Head of the Climate Department, Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace, Bangladesh Bishops' Conference: Input

According to the federal government's study "Environmental Awareness in Germany", which is published every two years, two thirds of people in this country see climate protection as one of the major challenges of globalization. So why do we still spend so much time in traffic jams, take a quick trip to Barcelona over the weekend or buy apples from New Zealand?

Actually, we know what is right and what is wrong. But apparently something is preventing us from putting our convictions into action. Individual and social change thanks to everyday behavioral routines, lifestyles and social norms seems difficult.

How can these barriers be overcome? Will frugality and renunciation have to become mainstream in our “overdeveloped” world in the future? How can values ​​be changed and habits changed for a climate-friendly and simple life?


  • Edna Sawe, founder of “Biopane Energy Kenya” and participant of the ASA Autumn School for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Input

Shaping a sustainable and climate-friendly globalization is of particular importance for the globally successful companies in Baden-Württemberg. This panel will be the subject of the requirements for responsible management of global supply and value chains. The question of what operational implementation of corporate due diligence obligations could look like from a social, ecological and human rights perspective should also be discussed.

Many companies in Baden-Württemberg already assume this social responsibility in an exemplary manner and are involved in developing and emerging countries in a variety of ways.

What role does the interaction between business, science, the public sector, churches, associations and civil society initiatives play in this?

Climate change and its consequences such as heat waves, droughts, sea level rise, floods and severe storms are already important reasons for displacement and migration. In comparison, twice as many people are displaced by extreme weather events than by wars and conflicts.

How does climate change affect migration movements? Which global regions are particularly affected? Can migration be “stopped”? What adjustments can prevent forced migration? And what does all this have to do with me?

Find out here the connections between climate change, migration and displacement from the Greenpeace study of the same name published in 2017 by the University of Hamburg. Discuss with us and get to know concrete projects that help prevent climate change.

Fair climate policy is a question of justice. Because climate change is exacerbating existing injustices worldwide and leading to more injustice – including between the genders:

Climate change does not affect everyone the same! Income, origin, age and, last but not least, gender are some of the factors that influence people's living situation, lifestyle and CO2 emissions, and their impact on climate change and also on climate policy measures.

What does climate justice have to do with gender? In this panel, learn more about the causes, consequences and measures in the area of ​​gender-specific climate (in)justice and get to know specific projects in Africa, Asia and Europe. And discuss with us!


● Uschi Böss-Walter, NatureFriends Baden-Württemberg: “Introduction to the North-South Cooperation Department”

● Linda Ederberg, GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice e. V.: “Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative (GUCCI)”

● Anja Rühlemann, Women Engage for a Common Future: “Gender-equitable climate protection solutions”

The panel would like to explore from the perspective of the federal, state and local governments what the success factors are so that we can join forces for more climate justice: Stuttgart strengthens SDG implementation through diverse partnerships with civil society and science as well as inter-municipal cooperation at the local, regional and international level. Sustainable consumption as a focus of the state sustainability strategy:

The country is in the sandwich position. When working together, the federal and local governments should be able to base their cooperation on the state sustainability strategy, which is coordinated with the SDGs. Their focal points, such as sustainable consumption, should provide focal points for collaboration: for example in the future fashion campaign. The highest and most abstract level is the federal government. No wonder, as the focus is on the concrete implementation and connectivity of the global agenda.

Traveling to work, on vacation, to visit friends, to go shopping – mobility is a prerequisite for social participation, economic development and prosperity. However, it is particularly problematic with regard to climate protection. At almost 32%, the transport sector is the largest CO2 emitter in Baden-Württemberg.

Württemberg. With the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, the international community is committed to completely reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and to sustainable development. In the future, mobility must be largely climate-neutral and sustainable – a major challenge for the automobile state of Baden-Württemberg.

What does sustainable or climate-friendly mobility actually mean? What measures can be used to tailor it to needs in cities and communities? We would like to discuss these questions with you using examples from municipalities in Baden-Württemberg that are already active in promoting sustainable and climate-friendly mobility. The findings of the “Mobiles Baden-Württemberg” study by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation are presented first.

International resolutions such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the Paris Climate Agreement to limit man-made global warming highlight the key role of regions and municipalities. However, measures for sustainable development as well as climate protection and adaptation to climate change require an integrated approach. Exchange at different levels with different actors is just as crucial as new approaches within the framework of global partnerships. The expert forum provides an insight into the practical implementation of cooperation formats at subnational and municipal levels as well as their funding opportunities. The expert forum also shows how cities around the world can join together in an alliance for greater climate justice.


● Tobias Eisele and Karl Franz, Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Sector “Climate Policy and the role of the subnational level – Under2 Coalition -”

Compulsory and voluntary trading in CO1980 certificates has been developing since the late 2s as a market-driven response to the challenge of impending climate change. This is being implemented in practice in numerous climate protection projects in countries in the Global South, including to compensate for travel-related emissions.

Is the instrument of CO2 compensation able to support the fastest possible exit from the use of fossil energies and the necessary global transformation? Or does CO2 compensation develop counterproductive forces that can provide impulses for sustainable development at the local level, but at the same time contribute to the preservation of today's dominant, unsustainable economic and way of life at the level of society as a whole? The speakers and participants will discuss these questions as well as the pros and cons of CO2 compensation and possible alternatives.


Climate change is already having serious impacts on agriculture and threatening food security. At the same time, the global food system is responsible for up to 57% of total greenhouse gas emissions. As major polluters, industrialized countries have a particular obligation to reduce their emissions and support those affected. Institutions from development cooperation, research and industry are therefore working on adapting cultivation methods, developing drought-resistant varieties and offering further training for small farmers. The necessary adaptation is also used to gain more control over land, seeds and cultivation methods. Human rights and the interests of small farming communities are ignored.

The tension between food security and human rights protection is discussed and adaptation methods for rice cultivation in East Africa are presented.

Many countries in the Global South are suffering from climate change; at the same time, in many emerging and developing countries, large-scale cash crop plantations, but also extreme poverty and very high population growth as well as illegal logging are leading to significant deforestation rates; these in turn cause erosion, decreasing water storage capacity and reduced evaporation. This endangers food security in many places and is one of the most important causes of flight. A current theory assumes that the rainforest causes precipitation and not the other way around. If this is true, then the deforestation of tropical forests would have even more drastic consequences. Clear-cutting, slash-and-burn agriculture and drainage destroy forests as CO2 reservoirs. Therefore, in addition to adequate forest and water management, there must also be stable constitutional structures in order to prevent unregulated deforestation. This not only improves the living conditions of the population, but also reduces factors that promote climate change. These developments are demonstrated and discussed using current examples from Burundi, Indonesia and Mexico.

How can an aid organization promote climate-friendly project work and with what aim? Which social questions and social challenges are linked to the topic of “climate justice” in disaster relief? What does it mean specifically to sufficiently take climate justice issues into account in the context of urban and spatial development - especially in emerging and developing countries?

From Caritas International's perspective, community-based participatory concepts of disaster prevention are an indispensable building block for climate justice. They ensure that those affected can better arm themselves against the consequences of climate change and strengthen their resilience. Dealing with impending crop losses and nutritional shortages or the health consequences of water shortages as early as possible can save lives. In addition, “precautionary concepts” and community-based adaptation demonstrate foresight: Under what conditions can the exchange of knowledge about working good examples strengthen communities in urban and rural areas in dealing with the climate crisis and thus actively counteract the spread of poverty? What happens if conflicts over water between large cities and the rural hinterland intensify?


Dr. Martina Backes, biologist, online editorial team Caritas international: Input

As part of climate protection concepts, procurement in the regional churches and dioceses is also recorded. In this forum, procurement in church administrations, deaneries, parishes, schools and daycare centers will be presented and the measures that must be introduced to reduce CO2 emissions will be described.

Based on the discussion about exploitative child labor, municipalities have also incorporated social criteria and fairly traded products into their procurement in recent years. At the same time, environmentally and climate-friendly products were increasingly being purchased. This can now be expanded into sustainable procurement on a now secure legal basis. For this purpose, focal points, individual products, good practical examples and entry opportunities for small municipalities are shown.


● Prof. Dr. Volker Teichert, Ev. research center. Study community, Fresenius University Heidelberg, “Fair and climate-friendly procurement in the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and the Archdiocese of Cologne”


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