Cooperation agreement with Dohuk Province extended

State Minister Theresa Schopper (center) and Governor Farhad Atrushi after signing the cooperation agreement. Left in the picture is Science Minister Theresia Bauer.

“We are very pleased about the extension of the cooperation agreement,” emphasizes Philipp Keil, Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ).

He accompanies State Minister Theresa Schopper and Science Minister Theresia Bauer on their delegation trip to the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan-Iraq.

State Minister Schopper and the Governor of Dohuk Governorate, Farhad Atrushi, signed the cooperation agreement. This means that the humanitarian aid provided by the state of Baden-Württemberg in Dohuk will be continued. “For us, this agreement is a sign of long-term prospects,” says Philipp Keil. “And it shows the people in the region that we are fulfilling the trust they have placed in us. Only through this long-term approach can partnership and further trust grow. And this in turn is the basis of every successful project.”

The SEZ has already supported several projects in the Dohuk region with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg. Among other things, a photovoltaic system in the Mam Rashan refugee camp.

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