The Adibashi communities in the target region are among the poorest in the area and are socially marginalized in various ways (Adibashis = members of other ethnic groups).
The aim is for families to escape extreme poverty and take an active part in social life.
The goal is achieved through a package of training and meetings for self-organization, economic start-up aid and hygienic infrastructure.
Country: Bangladesh
MATI NGO wants to establish several gardens for medicinal plants (trees, herbs, shrubs) (“pharmacy gardens”):
. a small model garden on its own soil (MATI) in the village of Huzurikanda
. 5 to 6 gardens in five surrounding communities by the farmers' cooperative. The medicinal plants are collected from various places in Bangladesh.
Of the 55 medicinal plants in Bangladesh, around 30 are selected and planted.
These native medicinal plants are used in traditional naturopathic medicine and homeopathy in Bangladesh.
The care of the gardens and preparation of the plants is carried out by members of the farming cooperative in collaboration with the MATI Medical Center/pharmacist (quality assurance). Sales take place via the pharmacy operated by the co-op.
By selling products through fair trade, we enable people from economically disadvantaged countries to improve their living and working conditions. Fair trade puts people at the center, promotes social justice and stands for reliable trading relationships. Principles of Fair Trade: Fair Price Continuity Decent Working Conditions Social Security Advice
Granting of small loans, mainly in Southeast Asia.
The company aims to promote and support technical development cooperation between industrialized countries on the one hand and developing countries and Eastern Europe on the other. As part of its corporate purpose, it takes on orders for the clarification, advice and implementation of projects, particularly in the areas of vocational training, crafts, industrial and small business promotion and ecology.
Transfer of business know-how.Providing business and management know-how in emerging countries in a targeted manner.Initiating, advising and supporting projects in emerging and developing countries.Promoting independent development (social businesses, social entrepreneurship, capacity building.
Self-help in rural Bangladesh through a local development organization Encounter and cultural exchange Conservation of natural resources Holistic development in the areas of education, training and upbringing Health and family planning Gender equality Cultural identity Agriculture Small business and entrepreneurship Grassroots democracy and self-responsibility
Scientific support and processing of projects nationally and internationally
Sign of Hope eV supports people whose human rights are violated or threatened, provides humanitarian aid to those in need in the form of disaster and emergency aid and is involved in the field of sustainable development cooperation according to the principle of “help for self-help”.