Holistic Help for Women Threatened by Violence in El Alto (Bolivia)

Women at risk of violence from the poor milieu of the migrant city of El Alto are to be freed from the danger zone of intra-family violence through holistic support in which the economic empowerment of women goes hand in hand with measures for violence prevention and mitigation.
To this end, more than 200 women will be taught professional skills that will strengthen their economic independence, while their children will be looked after under specialist pedagogical supervision. The ability of the project participants to deal with violent situations will be strengthened in working groups under professional supervision. The actual living situation of the project participants will be improved and stabilized through social-psychological and legal advice.

Promoting the psychosocial development of children

School education and education outside of school in Bolivia is largely authoritarian and violence is still omnipresent and socially accepted. Physical and psychological punishment are considered successful means of teaching children respect and obedience. Emotional intelligence, i.e. the ability to express one's own emotions and better understand those of others, is neglected and given little space.
The present project aims to promote and strengthen children's social and emotional skills in order to sustainably improve their ability to develop relationships and deal with conflict.

Agroforestry in a dry zone in the Andes of Bolivia in Depto. Cochabamba

Implementation of species-rich agroforestry plots on degraded, sloping soils in dry zones of the Andes in Bolivia, Depto. Cochabamba with drought-resistant fruit trees such as Opuntia ficus-indica and Pitaya to improve living conditions, secure nutrition, sustainable soil improvement and preservation of natural resources such as soil, water and biodiversity for small farmers without the possibility of irrigation.
Rural women have a particular interest in biodiversity in agroforestry systems because year-round crop yields are possible to feed the family. The project makes it possible to maintain livelihoods in a rural region and thus prevent rural exodus.


Awareness work One World


The aim of our work is to sustainably improve the living conditions of disadvantaged population groups, to promote integral development in rural communities and socially disadvantaged urban districts, and to potentiate and strengthen existing initiatives and development processes.
Commitment against poverty and for the disadvantaged at home and abroad


Opening timesWed. 9.00:12.00 a.m. - 15.00:17.00 p.m. Fri. 10.00:12.30 p.m. - XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. Sat. XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. - XNUMX:XNUMX p.m


By selling products through fair trade, we enable people from economically disadvantaged countries to improve their living and working conditions. Fair trade puts people at the center, promotes social justice and stands for reliable trading relationships. Principles of Fair Trade: Fair Price Continuity Decent Working Conditions Social Security Advice


Fighting poverty by promoting organic, small-scale farming structures in developing countries. Small farmers and family businesses are supported in the development and implementation of agricultural projects as well as in the further processing, export and marketing of their products. The foundation also develops traceability procedures to protect original products from product piracy.


PRO GAMINES E V Help for street children in Latin America Donations in kind Clothing, toys, school supplies, first aid, glasses, household appliances, hygiene items, medical equipment, medication Scholarships in schools, sponsorships Charity: Fianzamt BÜHL 2003 No administrative costs, all funds go directly to the association's purpose to. Donations Bank: Sparkasse BÜHL (bank code 66251434), account number 65557


Our basis is the family idea of ​​Padre Wasson, who founded an international family for thousands of orphans in Latin America. The children are like sisters and brothers to each other. With our foundation we will: 1. Preserve the history and continue the philosophy of this international family for vulnerable children. In other words, working with educators and other experts to find out how communities still function lovingly today. 2. To provide direct and unbureaucratic support to children and adults in emergency situations, to help with their education or medical care. In memory of the specific work of Padre Wasson, for example, we are currently providing earthquake relief in Haiti and are giving the first scholarships. 3. Building an alumni network for former orphans who feel particularly connected to Padre Wasson's work.

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