The measures taken over the last 10 years at the primary school in Goumsin, a rural region of Burkina Faso, have shown excellent results. In 2015, the success rate for primary school graduation was 40%, and in 2023 it will be 100% for the first time. The population's ownership and motivation are very high. The school is to strengthen its role in the field of environmental awareness and adaptation to climate change. On the one hand, the school, which serves as a role model, will make the advantages of crop security through drip irrigation tangible. On the other hand, decent housing options are created for the teaching staff so that they live locally and no longer move so often. This is a basic requirement for ensuring better education and extracurricular projects in the long term.
Country: Burkina Faso
The Burkinabe state has a growing interest in traditional clothing. This project aims to use the increasing demand for woven fabrics to provide women with an opportunity to earn a living and become economically independent.
° Training of 10 women in weaving traditional fabrics with the aim of improving their income and living situation and that of their families (school fees and school supplies for the children, better and healthier nutrition, money for necessary medicines and emergencies).
° Purchase of 10 looms
° Training in weaving techniques
° Support from weaver craftsmen
° Setting up the workshop for the weaving courses
° Equipment with the necessary materials such as: scales, pots, dyes
° Advice on marketing the products by women coordinators
The Association Yenfaabima (AY) offers professional help to people suffering from mental illness. Through medical care and educational work, the association combats the widespread belief in demons, which excludes the sick from society.
The part of the site acquired in 2015, on which three buildings now stand, is to be enclosed with a wall.
Detailed plans have already been drawn up and a cost estimate has been drawn up. The wall has a total length of 426,28 m and a height of 2,10 m with a wide entrance gate (4 m) and two entrances for pedestrians (1,5 m wide). The upper third will be built with openwork stones.
The Burkinabe architect who drew up the construction plans will also be responsible for construction management.
The promotion of educational projects in educationally disadvantaged countries. Our goal is to give children in the poor districts of the capital Ouagadougou a perspective for the future. We see it as an obligation to help as much as we can and to set an example of charity. We are currently supporting three primary schools that are state-recognized and attended by a total of around 2.000 students. We help with donations and sponsorships.
Fair trade with producers in economically disadvantaged countries around the world is our contribution to local Agenda 21. We are committed to a fairer world and are working to overcome the North-South divide through fair trade, various campaigns and information events.
Promotion of trade according to fair criteria with the countries of the South as well as education and public relations work
We believe that we can only build a better world together. The non-profit aid organization Vision Hope International e.V. supports and promotes creative development cooperation projects in Yemen in cooperation with the NGO International Community Services. Our aid organization works effectively, economically and with local organizations. In Yemen, we cooperate with Yemeni non-governmental organizations in water, terrace renovation and reforestation projects. We also support the children's home in Hajja.
Well projectsOrphan supportHelp for self-help
TERRE DES FEMMES is a non-profit human rights organization that dedicates its work to oppressed, persecuted and other discriminatory women. The association advocates for the rights of women, regardless of their denominational, political, ethnic and national affiliation. Through its own publications, communications to the media, information stands, circulars and events, TDF aims to raise awareness, educate and inform the general public.
The company aims to promote and support technical development cooperation between industrialized countries on the one hand and developing countries and Eastern Europe on the other. As part of its corporate purpose, it takes on orders for the clarification, advice and implementation of projects, particularly in the areas of vocational training, crafts, industrial and small business promotion and ecology.