– Entreprendre and promotion of les activities de development communautaire (agriculture, élevage et épargne)
– Sensitizer and conscientiser of the youth à la créativité
– Entreprendre les initiatives de protection de l'environnement
– contributor to the promotion of community health
-Enforcer les compétences professionalnelles en sciences informatics et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Country: Burundi
la population à pratiquer la paix ;ainsi nous formons des clubs de jeunes pour la paix au stufe des collines et établissements scolaires et académiques pour renforcer la culture d'Ubuntu et du dialogue social. Nous organisons des compétitions culturelles et artistiques pour mettre aux citoyens de se réconcilier. Grace au project de studio TUGENDERE UBUNTU nous forms the population par des émissions radio et télévisées, the cinema sur les thématiques en lien with la réconciliation, la prevention de la violence et le development(les réseaux social et les médias de masse sont nos tools essentiels permettant de rejoindre a nombre important de la population).
Pour l'autonomisation des younges et des femmes, la réinsertion socio-économique des victims de la traite, nous utilisons la formation à l'entrepreneuriat et l'éducation financière aux jeunes en âge comprises entre 12 et 25 ans and les femmes adultses.
The object of GAPEL is the object of the global center of the Global Alliance for Peace Leadership and inspires humanity among the artisans of the world for development including and durable. Specifiquement Global Alliance for Peace Leadership is engaged in:
• Renforcer les capacities des leaders de la paix locaux à travers la formation
• Prévenir les conflicts during the promotion of social dialogue
• Promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat social axé sur la communauté et l'optimisation des atouts de l'environnement
• Create an educational space, research and innovation favorable to the autonomy of young people and women for the socio-economic reflection in the artisans and leaders of the world.
The aim of the project is to consolidate the process of national reconciliation and peacebuilding through the development of peace education and the promotion of dialogue, as well as the development of economic opportunities for women and youth in Bujumbura Province.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the The project aims to diversify the types of organic fertilizer produced by the young coffee farmers of the DUKUNDIKAWA Association of the NYARUNAZI Cooperative Factory. In addition to the TAGATA fertilizer made from coffee pulp that is already marketed, the youth will offer their customers, households in the RUTEGAMA community, two other sources of fertilizer: waste from mushroom cultivation facilities and animal manure. This project will increase the income of the youth and the agricultural yields of the households.
Burundi ranks 180th out of 186 countries on the Human Development Index. One of the main reasons for this poverty is unemployment, which affects the working-age population, especially young people. Here in Burundi, at the end of each academic or school year, thousands of university and secondary school graduates finish their studies. Unfortunately, they end up on the streets because they cannot find work. One solution that could help reduce unemployment is to create small groups in which young people can draw up business plans and then set up small businesses.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the technical and financial capacity of young, divorced and vulnerable Muslim women by creating solidarity chains and setting up multifunctional mills for processing cassava and maize flour, etc. Through the entrepreneurial activities, these women will obtain credit and generate savings. In addition, this project will engage divorced and vulnerable women in income generating activities through the marketing of various products in Bujumbura Maire in Buterere, Buyenzi and Kinama areas.
The Imbo region, where Bubanza province is located, is the most productive region in Burundi, where various crops are grown. Despite sufficient production, food security is still not guaranteed in this region. The Mitakataka area is one of the most affected areas of Bubanza province. Two thirds of families are poor, which is one of the highest rates in Bubanza province. A quarter of children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition and almost one in ten children suffers from acute malnutrition. This is due to dietary habits that reflect too little dietary diversity and severe micronutrient deficiencies. This situation is linked to a lack of knowledge about nutritional practices.
The project to empower Batwa (Pygmy) families in Gisuru through the cultivation of edible oyster mushrooms aims to empower Batwa families who are marginalized in Burundi, have no land to cultivate and are therefore very poor. Oyster mushrooms are a crop that requires little space and is grown without soil. This solves the problem of lack of cultivation area and is also profitable. The project will provide employment to 18 households consisting of 86 members of Batwa families by setting up a farm to produce and sell oyster mushrooms. 6000 kg of substrates are needed to set up the farm. They will be trained in simplified accounting to facilitate the management of mushroom cultivation.
MARAHABA MUSIC EXPO aims to strengthen the skills of artists with disabilities in the areas of composition, production, studio recording and sound engineering to enable them to achieve financial independence. It also offers psychotherapeutic training related to their physical condition and in savings and credit. The overall objective of this project is to discover the different facets of work that favor the emergence of this or that facet of personal identity. In particular, it aims to support artists living with disabilities through psychotherapeutic training to revive in them the self-esteem that is the engine of development.
The “Umuco w'Iterambere” project is a public-private partnership initiative aimed at promoting energy solutions tailored to the needs of vulnerable households and communities without electricity. These solutions will also generate income for households in need by involving them in the provision of solar-based energy services in a country where only 9% of the population (2% in rural areas) has access to electricity and where wood is the main source of energy for households. This energy source is the main cause of household and environmental pollution and also harms human health. 100 households (600 people: 200 adults and 400 children) will benefit directly from this project and 1 500 people indirectly through access to the energy services provided by this project.