Public relations work through documentaries on the North-South conflict and nature and species protection.
Country: India
By selling products through fair trade, we enable people from economically disadvantaged countries to improve their living and working conditions. Fair trade puts people at the center, promotes social justice and stands for reliable trading relationships. Principles of Fair Trade: Fair Price Continuity Decent Working Conditions Social Security Advice
Environment and renewable energy
Granting of small loans, mainly in Southeast Asia.
terre des hommes is a development policy children's aid organization and supports around 350 projects in 29 countries around the world. tdh supports people in freeing themselves from oppression and economic hardship and in being able to implement their ideas of a humane existence. tdh working groups are active on a voluntary basis in around 150 German cities and are committed to development policy at a local level, organize events and collect donations for project work.
TERRE DES FEMMES is a non-profit human rights organization that dedicates its work to oppressed, persecuted and other discriminatory women. The association advocates for the rights of women, regardless of their denominational, political, ethnic and national affiliation. Through its own publications, communications to the media, information stands, circulars and events, TDF aims to raise awareness, educate and inform the general public.
1. Sales of fairly traded goods in the Weltladen, Schwanengasse 5, 74821 Mosbach, telephone: 06261 / 4048 2. Support of the Indian ecumenical development organization CARDS (Community and Rural Development Society) in Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) and CGC (Child Guidance Center) in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh. CARDS and the CGC are committed to the liberation of Dalits. The focus is diverse: schools and colleges, the promotion of women through, among other things, small loan programs, village development, work for the disabled, old people's homes, health programs. A training measure to prevent... is currently underway, funded by the ASB Venereal disease and AIDS. We are currently supporting eye operations for cataracts with our campaign “1000 eyes see again”. An eye can be operated on for 25 euros. This enables old people to lead an independent life again. These operations are financed through donations, but also through our association's flea market activities, for which we collect all kinds of donations in kind (no clothing and the individual items no larger than a banana box). These are sold at flea markets, but also through newspapers and the Internet.
Opportunity International Germany is a Christian-motivated organization that has been helping people help themselves for more than 20 years. Our faith drives us to support people living in poverty in developing countries. We treat these people with respect and we believe in their ability to permanently free themselves from the cycle of poverty. Empowering women is particularly important to us. In cooperation with experienced local partner organizations, we promote education and entrepreneurship as an investment in the future. Through personal support, imparting technical and entrepreneurial knowledge, access to school and vocational training as well as financial resources, we give poor people the chance to establish and expand their economic activities. This enables them and their families to lead dignified and self-determined lives – free from poverty. In the long term, new jobs will be created, entire regions will be strengthened economically and real future prospects will be developed.
The association's task and goal is to promote all measures that provide effective help for disadvantaged population groups in all countries of the world. The association promotes international attitudes and tolerance in all areas of culture. It promotes international understanding by advocating for peace and social justice in our world. This is done in particular through financial and material cooperation with non-profit, cooperative or similar initiatives. By promoting activities that increase our population's awareness of the connections between industrialized countries and developing countries. For this purpose, the association operates the EineWeltLaden in Altbach, Kelterstraße 20, Tel. 07153/25520. Opening hours: daily 9.00:12.00 a.m. to 15.00:18.00 p.m., XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m., closed on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. All employees work on a voluntary basis. We sell fair trade goods from the “third world”. The additional price in fair trade directly benefits the small farmer cooperatives and production cooperatives and is used for social and educational institutions. In addition to food and crafts from developing countries, we also consciously stock goods from local workshops for the disabled and from occupational therapy measures, as well as food from organic farming and environmental protection products .
The international initiative with Swiss roots is one of the world's quality leaders in voluntary CO₂ compensation measures. With projects of the highest quality, myclimate promotes measurable climate protection and sustainable development worldwide. Emissions are reduced by replacing fossil energy sources with renewable energies, implementing local reforestation measures with small farmers and implementing energy-efficient technologies. myclimate encourages everyone to make a contribution to our future with action-oriented and interactive educational offerings. With this goal, myclimate reaches thousands of schoolchildren as well as hundreds of apprentices, students and young professionals in the area of sustainability every year. Experienced consultants help companies in the CO₂ and resource management business area to identify and exploit potential. Offers range from simple carbon footprints at company level to detailed life cycle assessments of products and holistic performance management. Customers include large, medium-sized and small companies, public administration, non-profit organizations, event organizers and private individuals. myclimate is also represented in other countries through partner organizations.