Many indigenous communities in Mexico are threatened by extractivist mega-projects, which are often accompanied by violent evictions and expropriation of land and resources. It is therefore important to strengthen the capacities of the indigenous and peasant communities in the MAIZ network for organization, self-determination and sustainable development. With a one-year capacity-building project, we offer an integrated training model that teaches the theoretically sound, practical implementation of socially and ecologically sustainable development practices in the following areas: food sovereignty; sustainable energy production & water management; community health care; communication strategies and indigenous rights.
Country: Mexico
Sale of fairly traded goodsInformation about the products and the producersImplementation of Agenda 21 in the area of fair tradeSupport of development projects - South Horr in northern Kenya- Catalongo in Mexico- Partnership between "Nuestra Senora de la Esperanza" Lima / Peru and St. Peter and Paul Bühl
By selling products through fair trade, we enable people from economically disadvantaged countries to improve their living and working conditions. Fair trade puts people at the center, promotes social justice and stands for reliable trading relationships. Principles of Fair Trade: Fair Price Continuity Decent Working Conditions Social Security Advice
Our basis is the family idea of Padre Wasson, who founded an international family for thousands of orphans in Latin America. The children are like sisters and brothers to each other. With our foundation we will: 1. Preserve the history and continue the philosophy of this international family for vulnerable children. In other words, working with educators and other experts to find out how communities still function lovingly today. 2. To provide direct and unbureaucratic support to children and adults in emergency situations, to help with their education or medical care. In memory of the specific work of Padre Wasson, for example, we are currently providing earthquake relief in Haiti and are giving the first scholarships. 3. Building an alumni network for former orphans who feel particularly connected to Padre Wasson's work.
Las Adelitas Tapatías is one of the few original, authentic Mexican dance groups in Germany, which consists exclusively of Mexican dancers and wants to let Mexico's culture and traditions live on in Germany.
political education
Youth One World? Don Bosco Aktion Austria is an international aid organization. We support development projects, raise awareness and enable young people to do voluntary work. We act out of Christian motivation in the spirit of the great youth saint Don Bosco: In order for young people's lives to be successful, they need a home, training and care. Education is the heart of sustainable development cooperation, the basis of “helping people to help themselves”.
IBG organizes international work camps. 10 to 20 young adults from all over the world come together and work on a charitable project for 2 to 5 weeks. The focus is on the encounter aspect within the international group and with the local population.
The purpose of the foundation is to promote cooperative development cooperation. The foundation's purpose is achieved in particular by supporting suitable projects that the DGRV - German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Association - carries out worldwide in more than 30 countries in the Global South. GESTE not only supports individual projects with cooperatives, but above all supports the creation of cooperative structures and systems.
– Parish friendship with the base communities of Fernandez Province Santiago del Estero / Argentina
– International youth encounter with Fernandez
– Encounter programs with Fernandez and Mexico
– Educational work and actions
- Fair Trade
– Voluntary services / FSJ abroad (Argentina/Mexico) as part of the diocesan offer (Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart)