Low-threshold access to avoid FGM, early and forced marriage as early as possible.
Networking of authorities, their representatives, village residents, families and children in order to reduce the large number of unreported crimes and significantly increase the clearance rate.
The aim is to end the Maasai's traditional practices of genital mutilation and associated rites through education and self-help.
The path to improving nutritional status offers our partner organization further access to authority structures, schools, villages and families that have not previously been able to be reached or used adequately.
Country: Tanzania
-Sale of fairly traded goods in our one-world shop, especially coffee, tea, honey, chocolate, cocoa, spices, jewelry, woven goods, baskets, gift items, UWS paper and much more.-Informing the population about development policy issues Activities in front of and in the store, lectures from our project partners (see 4.) in kindergartens, schools, etc. We are a member of the WL umbrella organization and the DEAB.-The proceeds from the voluntary. We donate most of our store sales to our project partners (see 4.).
Opening timesWed. 9.00:12.00 a.m. - 15.00:17.00 p.m. Fri. 10.00:12.30 p.m. - XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. Sat. XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. - XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
– Sponsoring association of the Weltladen Karlsruhe (Aktion Partnership 3. Welt e.V.)
– Promotion of development projects with a focus on education and social work
– Implementation of development policy educational work for schools, groups, communities and clubs
By selling products through fair trade, we enable people from economically disadvantaged countries to improve their living and working conditions. Fair trade puts people at the center, promotes social justice and stands for reliable trading relationships. Principles of Fair Trade: Fair Price Continuity Decent Working Conditions Social Security Advice
TERRE DES FEMMES is a non-profit human rights organization that dedicates its work to oppressed, persecuted and other discriminatory women. The association advocates for the rights of women, regardless of their denominational, political, ethnic and national affiliation. Through its own publications, communications to the media, information stands, circulars and events, TDF aims to raise awareness, educate and inform the general public.
Transfer of business know-how.Providing business and management know-how in emerging countries in a targeted manner.Initiating, advising and supporting projects in emerging and developing countries.Promoting independent development (social businesses, social entrepreneurship, capacity building.
Raising awareness of One World issues, e.g. as speakers in school classes (primary school to high school, lessons or project days). “Temporary Missionary” program – Spiritan volunteer service: Placement of young adults in volunteer services in Africa and South America
political education
For us, water-related issues are a challenge that we face. We don't pull ready-made recipes out of our pockets: we rely on adapted technologies and methods. A solution is good if it fits the people and the local conditions. Our areas of work are water supply, wastewater, irrigation and drainage, WASH and seminars on our areas of work.