More global sustainability in municipalities

A “dare you checkout” in the supermarket, where customers can examine the ecological footprint of their purchases, is one of these ten suggestions. A matching platform with which cities in Baden-Württemberg can find the right partner city for them in the global south is another.

In total, the participants of the 7th Stuttgart Forum for Development, which was organized by the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), developed ten ways to promote globally sustainable development in and with the municipality. They primarily focused on the areas of digitalization, procurement, business and culture. In order to ensure the most creative approach possible, the design thinking method was used in the various workshops. This not only ensured that all the walls were covered with colorful Post-Its, but also ensured that the participants had to think outside the box and approach problem solving in a playful way.

A methodical approach with tangible results, which also found an open ear from Minister of State Theresa Schopper, who is also chairwoman of the SEZ Board of Trustees. “I think your ideas are important and correct. I will take them with me and feed them into our homes.” Because, said the minister, in view of the global crises and the fact that there are only ten years left to implement the 2030 Agenda, we need to step up a gear. It is important that the much-vaunted solidarity with the global south is backed up with action, both at the federal and state level and in the local area. “With the ideas workshop today at the Stuttgart Forum, we made a really important point.” She emphasized the “reliable structures and contacts” at the municipal level and pointed out that the state should strengthen the development policy of the municipalities and expand existing networks even more clearly want to interweave with the federal level.

You can find further information about the 7th Stuttgart Forum for Development (SFE). here.


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Impressions from the 7th Stuttgart Forum for Development

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