Mine. Your. One World. 2019 – The winners have been announced

The winners are Dornstadt, Fellbach, Gerlingen, Lahr, Leonberg, Mannheim, Möglingen, Neckarbischofsheim and Schwäbisch Gmünd. Dornstadt and Fellbach received first prizes, the first prizes awarded for a newcomer and a classic car went to Neckarbischofsheim and Schwäbisch Gmünd.

The nine award-winning municipalities received prize money totaling 30.000 euros. You have taken part in the nationwide initiative My. Your. One World. recognized for its special commitment to sustainable development. Your citizens have proven that everyone can do something for a fairer and more sustainable world. The prizes awarded recognize this commitment.

The celebratory award ceremony in the New Palace in Stuttgart marked the conclusion of the eighth nationwide initiative Meine. Your. One World. 2019 of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ). It took place under the patronage and in the presence of State Minister Theresa Schopper: “My. Your. One World. is a great initiative. At 400 events, cities, communities and civil society took global responsibility and sent a strong signal for social cohesion, climate justice and international cooperation.”

“Global responsibility starts on our own doorstep. Municipalities and local initiatives play a very important role in this. All those involved in One World Days are role models for others. Because they show what sustainable action can look like in concrete terms. The many joint actions by creative and committed people from Baden-Württemberg create a network for global responsibility that is becoming increasingly dense,” said Philipp Keil, Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ). And he added: “With migration and the question of the causes of flight, but also with climate change, global issues have long since arrived in the communities.”

The foundation invites people to the project every two years. It took place for the third time in collaboration with Engagement Global's Municipalities in One World service center with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

“With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations has presented an ambitious catalog of 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for a just and sustainable world. We are all called upon to achieve these goals in the next ten years,” said Dr. Stefan Wiilhelmy, Head of the Municipalities in One World Service Office. “The districts, cities and municipalities have a key role to play here. Sustainable development affects almost all areas of local activity. The municipalities are suppliers, planners, procurers and ambassadors. The change towards a sustainable and fair society and global coexistence can only succeed if local citizens are actively involved, their ideas are taken up, but their needs are also taken into account,” said Dr. Wilhelmy continues.

32 municipalities with a total of almost 400 events took part in 2019.

To the press kit for the award ceremony from Meine. Your. One World. 2019

Photographic impressions of the award ceremony can be found here

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