Mine. Your. One World. 2021

01. September to 31. October 2021

The nationwide initiative My. Your. One World. of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) will take place from September 1st to October 31st, 2021.

The SEZ will announce details on participation and the registration process on its website by the end of April 2021 at the latest.

My initiative. Your. One World. (MDEW) is taking place for the ninth time this year. The municipal initiative, which takes place every two years, aims to raise awareness of global issues, encourage responsible action in everyday life and strengthen local networks. Mine exists in its current form. Your. One World. since 2006. In 2019, 32 municipalities took part in the project with a total of almost 400 events.

Further information about MDEW can be found here ..

You can find the press kit for MDEW 2019 ..

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