Mine. Your. A world has reached the halfway point!

Campaign from our colorful Engen e.V.: “Democracy – I’m there!” – Day of Action for Democracy

Since September 1st, the actions of municipalities and their civil society actors have been taking place in many places in Baden-Württemberg as part of the nationwide initiative Meine. Your. One World. of the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ).

The corona pandemic does not make planning and carrying out events easy. There is great uncertainty as to whether actions can even take place as planned. Despite this challenge, 77 exciting events have already taken place and another 87 will follow until October 31st. The citizens in the municipalities of Baden-Württemberg are committed to working for a fairer world and for the implementation of the 17 sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda. We would like to say a big THANK YOU for your commitment during this extremely challenging time.

Exhibitions, street activities, film screenings and discussions, lectures, photo exhibitions, virtual city tours, online events, panel discussions, culinary evenings, dance workshops and much more. you find in SEZ event calendar.

You can find an overview of the participating municipalities here:

You can find a musical contribution from Lahr, the sister city of Alajuela, to MDEW here on YouTube.

And the detailed report on our cover picture and the campaign “Democracy – I’m in” can be found here.

Calendar of Events




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