My world and yours should become one world

The One World Days 2019 of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for Development Cooperation (SEZ) are coming to an end. At the same time they mark a beginning. Because - the finale of Meine. Your. One World. sets impulses for the future.

There will be three events taking place on Wednesday, October 25th. In Leonberg, Dr. Maria Zundel about what we here in Germany can do for countries in Africa. Mine finds mine in Winnenden. Your. One. World. Evening with international buffet.

The cabaret in Heidelberg on this day is about local and global pitfalls of global food production and the “feelings of broccoli”. As part of this year's One World Days, Heidelberg's One World actors have decided to address global challenges with a touch of humor.

The last event as part of the Meine initiative. Your. One World. will take place on October 27th in Dornstadt at the “Grand Finale of the Gut Leben Aktiontage”. There the different facets of a sustainable way of life – regional, fair and globally conscious – can be discovered and enjoyed.

Calendar of Events




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