Climate justice, migration and young engagement - these are the topics of Mindchangers. Applications for funding can now be submitted!
Still until September 15, 2022 Non-profit organizations, cities and municipalities can submit applications for Mindchangers funding for the 2023 project year. Project ideas can be funded with up to 40.000 euros. Anyone interested should definitely attend one of the technical seminars 28. or July 29, 2022 Register, where everything about the Mindchangers application and project implementation is explained.
The Europe-wide Mindchangers campaign is about empowering young people to engage on the topics of climate justice, migration and the 2030 Agenda. The aim of Mindchangers is to shed light on these topics from new perspectives. The focus is always on the engagement of young people, the visualization of new perspectives and the expansion of skills relating to diversity. In this way, the population of Baden-Württemberg can support issues of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development be sensitized. Mindchangers This also enables a critical examination of old concepts such as development, creates space for the discussion of current global inequalities and offers a platform for the renegotiation of sustainable and fair global partnerships.
The Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation and the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry work closely with the partner regions Piedmont, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, La Rioja, Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles and Dolj County for Mindchangers. Mindchangers is funded by the EU program for development education and public relations (DEAR – Development Education and Awareness Raising).