Mindchangers Future Impact Summit - directing global change, September 26th, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm and open-end get-together at Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany. The language of the conference is English (without translation).

Are you committed to global justice and implementing sustainability? Do you want to expand your international network and exchange experiences with other young people?

The State Ministry Baden-Württemberg and the Foundation for Development Cooperation Baden-Württemberg (SEZ) warmly invite you to the “Mindchangers Future Impact Summit – directing global change”, to take part in the international event on youth engagement and global justice.

We are now officially at the mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda, which shows us that as a global community we need to work together even more closely to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Youth engagement, together with civil society engagement and the interaction of all actors at the local level, is a fundamental key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Together with young people from Mindchangers projects in the six partner regions and other true global impact makers, who are committed to global justice and sustainability, we will explore innovative approaches to the UN 2030 Agenda. The resulting impulses will be discussed at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit with Rudi Hoogvliet, State Secretary for Development Policy in Baden-Württemberg, representatives from politics, municipalities, NGOs and academia, as well as committed partners from all across the world and young people from Baden-Württemberg, to ensure a holistic approach concerning the SDGs.

The discourses from the Summit will then flow into the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration, which will be developed during the International Youth Meeting and whose results will be passed on to the EU and the respective regional political and civil society representatives and networks as an impulse and catalog of measures.

With art performance, international keynote speakers, and input from young people from Mindchangers projects in all partner regions, we will present young engagement in all its forms and colors at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit. In the active phase, young people, political hosts, experts and EU stakeholders will work together to develop solutions for the 2030 Agenda as impulses of the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration. The Gallery of Change and the open-end get-together with food & drinks are the perfect opportunity for local and international exchange and networking.

About Mindchangers

The goal of Mindchangers is to mobilize and build regional and international networks for young people, who are dedicated to the 2030 Agenda on a global level and are focusing their engagement on the topics of climate change, migration, diversity, respect, and solidarity. At the three-day Mindchangers International Youth Meeting, young people from the partner regions Baden-Württemberg, Piedmont (IT), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (FR), La Rioja (ES), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE) and Dolj County (RO) will come together for the exchange of ideas and expertise.

Since October 2020, six European regions, civil society organizations, local authorities, and the young generation are working together on the EU-funded project “Mindchangers – Regions and Youth for Planet and People”. Individual and civic engagement of young people on the topics of climate change, climate justice, migration and sustainable development was funded in 114 projects from all Mindchangers regions. Therefore, it is important to work on strengthening the collaboration between local authorities, civil society organizations, and young people.


Grace A. Orao


Grace is a 27-year-old African peace practitioner with a compelling mission to reshape the narrative surrounding the involvement of young people as integral partners in driving change and advancing the development agenda. Currently, she is the assigned Regional Coordinator for East and Southern Africa at the United Network Of Young Peace-builders (UNOY) and the Executive Director of Women Volunteers for Peace (WOVOP).


Dr. Max Jungmann


Max is the founder and CEO of Momentum Novum, a strategy consultancy focused on sustainable development. He is also the Executive Manager of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) at Heidelberg University. After studying political science as well as sociology, media and communication science at the Universities of Trier and Heidelberg, he earned his PhD on health policy challenges of climate change at Heidelberg University. Max is a Climate Reality Leader and served for over 7 years on the senior staff of the largest UN simulation in the world, the National Model United Nations New York.



Thor Morante Brigneti


Thor is a communications specialist and project coordinator with 15 years of professional experience working in the environmental field — both in Peru and in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). As a journalist, he extensively published about the depredation of the Peruvian Amazon due to illegal gold mining activities. More recently, he has been focusing on the implementation of projects and initiatives in CEE, ranging from working with regional experts in the low-emission development strategies (LEDS) field to working with the youth on climate change awareness raising through a gamification approach.


Jenny Mushegera


Jenny is a leadership and development expert, currently working as desk officer for one of Germany's biggest development cooperation organizations. Jenny is the founder and president of CongoExcellence and has been part of various pioneering projects and activities, like the Model African Union Summit. Furthermore, she served as the Deputy Secretary-General of the African Union Diaspora Youth Initiative and was one of 20 African women leaders selected to participate in a competitive pilot program under the supervision of the Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the United Nations in New York.


Momentum novelty


Momentum Novum is a strategy consultancy that empowers organizations to integrate sustainability into their business models. Through our interactive approach, we develop sustainable strategies together with our clients, build capacities and implement effective measures. United for sustainable development.

Sustainable leadership aligns the health and productivity of teams and organizations with the health of our planet and society. Sustainable innovation management makes use of interactive, user-centered methods to harness the full innovation potential of sustainability. Sustainable strategy development integrates a holistic approach to sustainable development into the core business strategy. Effective and inclusive change management is essential for the success of transformation processes.


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