With beffects! Domestic for Global Responsibility

Insights into the educational policy work of the German Africa Insight (GAI) e.V. association. Here at a workshop that was funded by the SEZ through the Mindchangers funding line.

together. sustainable. works. How effective! Domestic shows that global responsibility must begin on our own doorstep in Baden-Württemberg.

How we act here in Baden-Württemberg has an impact on the whole world. In order to really reduce global injustice, people in Baden-Württemberg must take action on their own doorstep and assume global responsibility. The project sponsors from beffekt show how this can work! Domestic with their commitment to global justice, sustainability and against stereotypes.

For example, finep shows in the coaching workshop SDGs in the middle of lifewhat the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals actually have to do with us in Baden-Württemberg. This project looks outside the box and uses methods of coaching and motivational training to make it easier for people to “take action”. For example, the course is currently running Challenge accepted! Your commitment to sustainable change with our tips and tools. Further information about the next courses, which will take place until 2023, is available below www.finep.org/registration a DAK Bungalow.

The interactive exhibition project is an example of a change in the common narrative of the charitable West Resisting Voices – clatter-click-nod by German-Africa Insight e.V.. The aim is to empower new voices and promote a paradigm shift through various art exhibitions and discourse events. The role of European social and economic policy is critically questioned and the focus is on the public image in Germany in the 21st century. Events can be attended until November 2022, information can be found at www.german-africainsight.de.

The project is a completely different topic and yet also a change of perspective Speak-up from Radio Dreyeckland. In our own radio show, people with refugee experience have their say and can bring their previously unheard perspective into the social debate. The project is by refugees for refugees and also organizes a total of ten events in which people with refugee experience are actively involved as actors and experts. You can listen to the radio show every Wednesday at 16 p.m Our Voice be switched on; It is aimed at people in Germany – with and without a refugee history. It is broadcast in many languages ​​that belong to Germany, such as Polish, Arabic, Turkish, English, and much more. You can listen here: https://rdl.de/.

The funding line works! Domestic is part of the beffekt! funding program, with which the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation contribute to the implementation of the sustainability goals. With beffects! Domestically, development policy educational work measures are supported in Baden-Württemberg. The projects that benefit from the funding line! Co-financed domestically, implement various aspects of the sustainability agenda here in Baden-Württemberg. A total of 91 projects have already been successfully implemented.

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