Consuming sustainably, but how?

The nationwide initiative My. Your. One World. The Development Cooperation Foundation in Baden-Württemberg (SEZ) would like to raise awareness among the local population about global issues, encourage them to act sustainably and promote local networks. 32 municipalities are taking part in 2019 and are showing again this week how important One World is to them.

The exhibition “Elephant Protection and Fair Trade” begins in Möglingen on October 15th. An elephant protection project in Kenya is presented that shows the connections between fair trade and species protection. In this way, visitors are encouraged to question their consumer behavior as well as to deal with the protection of a charismatic, endangered animal species.

While a networking event on the 16 UN sustainability goals will take place in Gerlingen on October 17th, the “Fair Trade at the Commercial School” project will begin in Künzelsau. Various classes there deal with the idea of ​​fair trade and put it into practice with self-made posters and samples of tea and chocolate.

And here's another insider tip related to the topic: At REWE in Fellbach you can find out about the fairest and healthiest foods using the "Children's Pleasure Shelf". Together with the youngest consumers, foods were examined closely and asked: Which foods contain palm oil, less sugar or additives?

You can find further events on sustainable consumption and other exciting topics in your area using the following link:

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