The publication "Reflecting Partnerships" aims to provide inspiration for joint work with partners in countries in the Global South with a variety of questions.
“Those who ask questions change the world.” – Inspiration for new views, different perspectives and aha experiences can sometimes arise more through questions than through statements. The publication “Reflecting Partnerships” therefore only collected questions to provide the opportunity to (once again) focus on the fundamentals of cooperation outside of everyday partnership work. The catalog of questions aims to stimulate, provide impulses and impetus. He wants to encourage people to reflect on their own work in order to professionalize and develop themselves further.
This publication was created as part of the specialist forum for international cooperation of the One World State Networks Working Group in Germany. Seven federal states – including Baden-Württemberg – provide promoters who deal with the topic of international partnerships. These collaborations usually relate to German associations that work with organizations in countries in the Global South. The questions collected in this publication are intended to shed light on the many aspects of international North-South and South-North cooperation and encourage reflection. This collection is not exhaustive, but can be seen as a “work in progress”.
You can find the document Register or in the subject area “Partnership Center”.