Partnership work – a question of perspective!

Participants of the workshop

Communication as a success factor for practice

The first of this year’s Mindchangers Capacity Buildings “Partnership Work – A Question of Perspective!” took place on January 26.01.2023th, XNUMX. Communication as a success factor for the practice” with Dr. Kidist Hailu, specialist promoter for local partnerships in Baden-Württemberg. Through practical and interactive approaches, the partnership work was viewed from different points of view and incorporating the experiences of the participants. The impulses and food for thought of the workshop enable those involved to successfully design partnership work.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda call for multi-stakeholder partnerships to address common challenges through joint efforts. The 2030 Agenda recognizes that the 17 Goals will only be achieved with strong partnerships and collaborations, which is why Goal 17 “Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” covers all individual goals as an umbrella. A successful development agenda therefore requires inclusive partnerships based on principles and values ​​and a shared vision that focuses on the well-being of people and the planet.

Partnerships are diverse and are concluded, for example, between municipalities and NGOs, new and established actors or even in countries of the so-called global south. In order for partnership work to be successful at global, regional, national and local levels, careful interpersonal communication is crucial. The perspective from which communication takes place must be reflected and questioned so that partnership-based action can develop its greatest possible potential.

This workshop was the first part of our capacity building series, which aims to provide cities, municipalities and civil society organizations with tools to actively involve young people in projects and initiatives and to get them excited about their own activities. The next workshops will be announced promptly on the SEZ website.

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